I just thought that I could use the ATVUsb-creator on the CF itself,
isn't it?

On Apr 15, 10:51 pm, Etienne <etienne.quessela...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Scott,
> Thanks for coming back.
> So here's my setup:
> - CF drive as a replacement for the stock HDD
> - Hardy installation (no ATV OS anymore)
> As described in the wiki, I used a USB stick with ATV bootloader on it
> (created with ATVusb-creator) to install everything.
> But once installation is done, (XBMC is installed and working), if I
> remove the USB stick from the ATV I am just unable to start the unit.
> As I described above, all I get is the ATV picture with a question
> mark flashing over it.
> I was wondering as well about the CF. I know it has always been a big
> question mark, some cards boot, some don't, but I don't really have a
> clue how I could make sure it comes from my CF card. The guy I quoted
> in my first message had the exact same problem as me and solved it by
> installing through a USB CD reader - he couldn't make it using the
> stick only.
> I will soon be able to test with another small PATA SSD though.
> Do we need to touch the Linux grub after the installation ?
> Cheers!
> On Apr 15, 10:34 pm, "Scott D. Davilla" <davi...@4pi.com> wrote:
> > >I have one problem, though.
> > >I revive this thread here:
> > >http://groups.google.com/group/atv-bootloader/browse_thread/thread/c8...
> > >as I cannot also get rid of the USB stick to boot in Linux. If I
> > >remove the stick, I have a black screen for several seconds and then
> > >an ATV with a flashing question mark above appears.
> > >I have really the exact same problem. I followed the wiki but I have
> > >absolutely no clue of what I may have missed.
> > >To sum up:
> > >- I have the same partition table (though I replaced the 40GB stock HD
> > >by a 4GB CF-adapter).
> > >- The flags are correctly set (boot on sda1 & atvrecv on sda2) - no
> > >boot flag on the Linux partition though
> > >- I have copied the files from the downloaded atv-bootloader archive
> > >(with -arp) to sda2 and sda3 (recovery and osboot)
> > >- I have cp -ap the boot.efi from the stock HD
> > >- I have udpated the MBR
> > might be a problem booting from a CF drive. Not sure what you are
> > doing as you mention both CF and USB Flash drive in your post.

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