>>>>> petepetit...@my.mail.de writes:
>> 1. What happens when you enter
>> \\wsl$
>> in the address bar of windows explorer? (not in wsl)
> address bar shows: Netzwerk ( = network) > wsl$
> while it's saying: Dieser Ordner ist leer (= This directory is empty)

That shouldn't be empty. According to the doc[1], it should list Linux
distributions and their root file systems as the image shown there.


>> 2. What happens when you issue
>> explorer.exe .
>> in wsl bash console?
> Success. This actually opens the windows-explorer.  

(a) Does that display the linux files in the directory where you issued
    the command? Or is that empty?
(b) What is shown in the address bar of that explorer?

(Make sure to include the period "." at the last of the command; i.e.,
explorer.exe .

Anyway, it's certain that your wsl isn't working as expected according
to the result of 1. I recommend to follow the instruction at [2] again.
And I think the current issue has nothing to do with AUCTeX itself.

[2] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/filesystems

Ikumi Keita
#StandWithUkraine #StopWarInUkraine

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