The LaTeX-beamer-env-frame function (auctex-13.2.1/style/beamer.el:565) uses 
\frametitle{Title}. I prefer the \begin{frame}{Title} style.

I have a beamer.el under the TeX-style-private directory with 

 (lambda ()
    '("frame"  (lambda (env &rest ignore) ...

This worked until not too long ago, but recently, LaTeX-beamer-env-frame gets 
called instead of my lambda for "frame". 

In case it's useful, C-h C-v TeX-style-path reports:

("~/.emacs.d/auctex" "/home/mandar/.emacs.d/elpa/auctex-13.2.1/style"
"/home/mandar/latex/auto/" "/home/mandar/.emacs.d/auctex/style" "style") 

Does my TeX-style-private directory need to be earlier in this list than 
elpa/auctex-13.2.1/style or later?

Should I try re-defun-ing LaTeX-beamer-env-frame in my beamer.el? 

I'd be grateful for any suggestions on the "recommended" way to fix this, so 
that the change survives upgrades.

Thanks very much,

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