Keita Ikumi wrote (Thu, Aug 10, 2023 at 04:31:27PM +0900):
> Hmm, strange. I'll have a look later. Sorry for inconvenience.

Not at all! On the contrary, thank you all so much for maintaining and 
improving a wonderful package.

I suspect (but don't know for sure) that there was something wrong with this 
part of my beamer.el:

     '("frame"  (lambda (env &rest ignore) ...

I copy-pasted the "frame" entry from elpa/auctex-13.2.1/style, and wrote my own 
LaTeX-beamer-env-frame in my beamer.el to override the package version. Things 
now work almost like I wanted.

Three follow-up questions:

1. The "frame" entry in elpa/auctex-13.2.1/style/beamer.el looks like

    '("frame" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec]
      [TeX-arg-key-val (("allowdisplaybreaks" ("0" "1" "2" "3" "4"))
                        ("allowframebreaks") ("b") ("c") ("t") ("s")
                        ("fragile" ("singleslide"))
                        ("environment") ("label") ("plain") ("shrink")

If I hit just ENTER in response to the prompt from TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec, 
I don't get any prompts from TeX-arg-beamer-default-overlay-spec and 
TeX-arg-key-val. In order to get those prompts, I *have* to provide some input 
to TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec. Am I missing some setting?

2. Sorry, I must be missing something obvious, but I couldn't find a defun for 
LaTeX-add-environments, or much documentation regarding the format of the entry 
for each environment.

3. Low priority: would it be worth adding a customisable variable to let people 
choose between the \frametitle{} and \begin{frame}{title} styles?

On a related note, in case this is useful to anyone, I also have (in the 
beamer.el within the TeX-style-private directory)

   (setq-local imenu-create-index-function
   (setq-local imenu-generic-expression
               '((nil ; put in top-level menu
                  2   ; which bracketed expression goes in title

so that I can use imenu to jump to a slide by title.


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