I had a similar problem accessing a trace after doing  a altitude calibration 
on a volkslogger. No GPS signal obviously whilst in the calibration chamber. 
Strepla wouldn't recognise the trace saying that nothing was on the logger.
Tried SeeYou and it worked perfectly.

So maybe try another download program.

Sent from my HTC Incredible S

----- Reply message -----
From: "Matt Gage" <m...@knightschallenge.com>
To: "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia." 
Subject: [Aus-soaring] GFA Site/accident
Date: Thu, Apr 26, 2012 14:25
Could also be that the impact caused some corruption to the current file, which 
makes it impossible to see and/or download using the normal tools. It could 
potentially be accessed by the manufacturer if critical.


On 26/04/2012, at 13:59 , Matthew Scutter wrote:Most GPS loggers begin the 
trace only after a certain duration of
movement above a certain speed.
It's also possible it bunches a number of points to write out together
every x minutes - common behaviour in embedded devices to extend their
working life. If the power was cut before it was written out, you'd
have nothing.

Have someone unplug it on climb out and see what happens?


On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 1:04 PM,  <gstev...@bigpond.com> wrote:
Some good stuff there. Another thing that can work against a pilot is
getting QNE and QNH confused - ie the pilot thinks he is higher than he
actually is. I suspect that this has been a contributing factor in at least
a couple of fatalities over the years.

In the Ararat case the glider had a working flarm. My understanding is that
the previous flights (on the day and earlier), were available, from the
flarm after the crash, but for some reason a trace could not be recovered
for the fatal flight.  There is some conjecture that this may have been
something inherent in flarm. There is no reason to suspect that the
electrics in the glider had not been switched on for the last flight. For
the sake of argument, let us assume that the flarm was powered up about 2
minutes before the all-out call, and the flight lasted 2 minutes, my maths
says that there should have been about 60 recorded points (@ 4 sec
intervals) available prior to impact, and maybe the flarm should have kept
logging after the impact??  It was noted that the glider batteries were
still in position and intact.

Anyone got any thoughts as to why nothing was recorded?


----- Original Message -----
From: Matt Gage
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] GFA Site/accident


I totally agree with you sentiments and from what you posted earlier, I
suspect that there would be no way of establishing the true cause of this
accident, so any report would be unlikely to go beyond what you already
posted - unless a mechanical failure was detected !

I've always thought that the reports I've seen on spinning accidents are
pretty useless to learn from. They pretty much always start with being too
slow and turning, and never focus on what led up to this - poor judgement of
circuit, workload, fatigue, dehydration, other medical issue, instrument
failure (I know of one such case where the pilot recovered at less than
100', hence able to determine this !), distraction (other aircraft, radio
calls, etc) or a host of other possible out of ordinary events. It is
impossible to determine which of these was a factor, making anything except
a brief report useless, sadly making repeats inevitable as we can't train
out the causes if we don't know what they are.

I don't see what the ATSB would be able to add here.

Having said all that, I have seen logger/flarm traces used on 3 occasions to
help investigate totally different types of non-fatal accidents. The traces
made it very clear what had happened and why in 2 of the cases, the 3rd was
clearly poor judgement and showed actions completely different to what the
pilot reported, but there was no obvious sign as to what the cause of the
poor judgement was (although the pilot had spent considerable time above
10,000' with no oxygen, so hypoxia or dehydration may have been a factor).


On 25/04/2012, at 23:22 , <gstev...@bigpond.com> <gstev...@bigpond.com>

Hi Mike, Mike Borgelt in particular, and All,

Very nicely put.

I note in particular your comment "...and the amount of knowledge gained
from NZ investigations is not significantly higher than here." I suspect
that you could widen "NZ" to "Worldwide".

At the risk of seeming outrageous, let me say that to the ATSB and its
previous incarnations, investigating glider accidents is, within the bigger
picture of accident investigation, "just plain boring".

How so? Let me explain.

Unless I am missing something, there are basically only two factors to any
gliding accident - mechanical failure, or pilot error( or incapacity). In an
ultimate analysis, everything can be reduced to these two fundamentals.
[There is no doubt that these fundamentals also apply to any accident
scenario where human beings are involved.]
Some pundit will no doubt be able to quote the "exact" figures for gliding,
but in gliding accidents MUCH less than 10% of accidents can be attributed
to mechanical failure. I will leave it to you to work out what the remainder
is allotted to! ....... However, do not jump to conclusions. In
(unfortunately far too many cases), WHAT happened is quite easy to
determine. WHY it happened cannot be determined at all! Nevertheless the
fundamental premise  that I have posited above must apply.

Gliders, in comparison to say modern airliners are relatively simple
machines - just ask the boys in South Africa who developed the JS1.They are
reputed to have put in over 70,000 total hours to get to official Type

So, in a few instances of  gliding accidents there is a mechanical problem.
As gliders are such simple machines, any mechanical failure should be
relatively easy to determine. This does not require the input of the ATSB.
As Wombat has said, the ATSB generally leaves it to either one of the other
two entities who CAN legally investigate - the State Police, or the State

If you are particularly observant, you will note that neither Wombat nor I,
have mentioned the GFA in this context. Legally they do not have a role. In
practice they are generally requested to supply expert advice to the
Investigating Authority. Apart from anything else, this keeps the GFA "in
the loop".

[It is a digression, but it would seem in fact that these two bodies
Police/Coroner co-operate. Maybe some legal eagle might be able to explain
just what are the current arrangements, which may possibly vary from State
to State. I posit that in theory each one of the 3 entities is able to carry
out an independent investigation if it so chooses?]

So much for mechanical failures.

What about Pilot Error?

Well pilots have been crashing, and in many cases dying, since man took to
the air. Every possible means of crashing has been explored from that time
until now. I suspect that all the possibilities for human error were
exhausted long ago: Hence the lack of ATSB interest.

As a result of these experiences the GFA  produced a Manual of Standard
Procedures. You are of course perfectly free to ignore the accumulated
wisdom of ages, as set out in this document and taught by every accredited
instructor, but you do so at your peril.


----- Original Message -----

From: Mike Cleaver
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] GFA Site/accident

John and others

The ATSB has a system for classifying accidents and incidents - see on their
web site http://www.atsb.gov.au/about_atsb/investigation-procedures.aspx and
- the latter identifies what the various levels of investigation involve in
terms of ATSB resources.

Sport and recreational aviation accidents - even fatal ones - are almost
never accorded a classification higher than 4, which means that after the
recording of various factual information, the investigation is either
carried out with one or two ATSB investigators or may be referred to another
agency. In the case of a fatality this is often the police force in the
State or Territory where the accident occurred - either for potential crime
investigation or more likely for the Coroner to investigate. The
Police/Coroner will usually seek the assistance of the GFA in the case of a
gliding accident, but the GFA generally regards itself as under-resourced to
carry out aviation accident investigations, as no funding is provided from
Government sources to train and equip investigators.In any event the funding
provided by Government to the ATSB is such that most accidents are not
investigated in any level of detail, unless they involve passenger transport
operations in large or medium capacity aircraft. The days when ATSB
investigated sport aviation accidents to any greater extent than this ended
over 20 years ago, and are not likely to return.

While gliding fatalities are investigated by TAIC in New Zealand, that is
not the case here, and the amount of knowledge gained from NZ investigations
is not significantly higher than here.

A further factor that militates against the GFA conducting and publishing
accident reports is the fact that, unlike Government agencies, the
investigator may be held personally liable for the way findings are
reported, and challenged by relatives of the deceased or others who have
suffered personal or property loss, or by survivors of the event who may
claim some degree of negligence (read financial compensation for some
assumed fault by the GFA or its members) or defamation as a consequence of
the reporting.
This has the potential to affect all of us, whereas an ATSB investigation is
rarely handled this way. Note that this is a fact in spite of the
acknowledged purpose of accident investigations being to prevent recurrences
and identify procedures or training that may assist in this goal: accident
investigators do not lay blame for occurrences (and sometimes it is hard to
read into their reports any reference to even obvious breaches of the law or
safe operating procedures).

This is why we have to wait so long for a Coroner to produce a report before
we can make changes to the system, especially where training or procedure
changes are involved, or airworthiness actions.


On 25/04/2012 12:09 PM, john.mcfarlane wrote:

I would have thought that this is a mandated reportable incident via the Fed
Gov body delegated with that authority – ATSB.

Will there be a formal report from the ATSB?


From: gstev...@bigpond.com
Sent: Monday, 23 April 2012 4:17
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] GFA Site/accident

Re accident prevention, in this instance we will have to wait on the
Coroner's report, which I would not expect any time soon. It may be able to
pinpoint a problem, and if so we - that is the collective we - can then act.
However I am not holding my breath on this one.



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