There is a story that when Southern Cross Gliding Club acquired their first
two seater ( a Kookaburra) the CFI
flew with all the solo pilots and put half of them back on dual.

On 2 February 2015 at 01:39, DMcD <> wrote:

> >> Funny, I've heard that same argument to justify replacing a Kookaburra
> with a Blanik; a Banik with a K21 and now, a K21 with A DG-1000!!! And
> before my time, probably a Zogling with a Kookaburra.
> Yes, yes, yes, but… I have heard a few instructors say "I'm not going
> to risk a valuable club trainer by taking it out of glide range of the
> strip…" and fair enough. With a T31, that's about a furlong away from
> the boundary fence, and inside it at that.
> The problem with that is that it doesn't give the student a reasonable
> taste of XC flying and  what it is all about.
> I guess I was a fairly poor student. No doubt I was cocky and sloppy
> and probably still am. Just before being allowed to go solo, I was
> sent off with the remedial instructor. And it was one of the most
> memorable flights I have had.
> I firmly believe that if clubs invested a few dollars more in their
> students and did something for free… stopped the meter and showed what
> gliding is all about… the return would easily repay it.
> Oh, and wasn't the Zogling a single seater? Orville W said repeatedly
> that flying with an instructor would ruin a student pilot's self
> confidence. I'm not sure what the official GFA ruling is on sending
> students solo on their first flight but I'm guessing it is a big no!
> D
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