

Sounds like an awesome concept. I'm really keen to know what it is that
you've seen now.




Michael Lyons


[] On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Wednesday, 3 February 2010 10:00 AM
To: 'ausDotNet'
Subject: RE: New VS feature


Beyond Visual Studio ... a few weeks ago I was watching a webcast on a
subject I've forgotten, but there were some research projects being demoed.
One of them was so stunning it was like it came back in the TARDIS by
accident ... it was a graph of connected editing windows full of code that
deep zoomed. The windows and connections (Visio flowchart style) could be
moved around and layered, stacked and unwound, but the important thing is
that the visual structure represented the code structure. As you navigated
in the code, the windows animated and guided you around.


I've dreamt of a code analyser/editor like this for years, but the
difficultly level of creating a usable product like that puts it out of the
reach of all but the most gifted or dedicated individuals. I'm glad that
Microsoft has their top boffins working on it.


I don't know what this thing was called. Has any else seen it and know what
it is? How long before we see this hit the public?


I'm looking forward to the next far leap beyond of the traditional editor
window with monospaced type that has barely changed since the 1970s (except
for nice colours and intellisense, which are pretty good I must admit).
VS2010 is supposed to have a WPF based editor, but I haven't seen it do
anything special in the beta release.



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