>>>>> "Marc" == Marc Waeckerlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Marc> I have a little C++ signal-slot library, that consists of only
Marc> two C++ header files. The automake script should do the
Marc> following:
Marc> [ ... ]

Marc>   How do I write the makefile.am?

    nobase_include_HEADERS = sig/functor.hxx sig/sigslot.hxx

    SUFFIXES = .m4

    sig/functor.hxx: sig/functor.hxx.m4
        m4 $(srcdir)/sig/functor.hxx.m4 > sig/functor.m4

    [ also for sigslot.hxx ]

This isn't perfect since you must arrange for mkdir sig somehow.
Automake doesn't do this automatically in this situation.

Marc>    - How to tell that the *.hxx are targets that must be cleared?

    CLEANFILES = $(nobase_include_HEADERS)

Marc>    - How to tell that the *.hxx are derieved from the *.m4?

As above.

Suffix rules don't work if the files are in subdirs.
Suffix rule support in automake could use some enhancements.

Marc>   Is there a check or macros for invoking m4 in autoconf, automake?

Not that I know of.


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