
Last year, I wrote to the list to show an initial demonstration
of integrating automake with git version control.  This work has
been largely dormant since then, but over the last couple of weeks
I have completed an initial fully working implementation which may
be of interest to others.

The aim behind this is to increase the robustness of making
releases and to keep the actual distributed releases under version
control; normally while the sources are under version control, the
verbatim output of "make dist" is not since it's packed into a
tarball.  Downstream distributors may subsequently put that under
version control, but here it's done directly, skipping tarball
generation entirely.  Downstreams may now simply clone the
upstream repo and work directly with it; tarballs as a distribution
format may be omitted entirely.

Currently some projects make GPG signatures of their release
tarballs so that their integrity may be verified.  Here, we have
GPG signed tags which verify not only the distribution of a
release, but also its parent tagged release in git and all
prior history, providing a new level of integrity checking to the
release process.  Downstream changes can be traced all the way
back as well.

I've attached a Makefile fragment which can be included into your
top-level Makefile.am.  This adds three main rules:

• check-git: Checks that the working tree and index are clean, and
             that no untracked files are present.  This ensures that
             no files are distributed which aren't either under
             version control or generated by autoconf/make (and are
             therefore in .gitignore).
• release-git: Tags the current HEAD with an (optionally signed)
               release tag.
• dist-git: The main rule; injects $(distdir) onto a distribution
            branch and tags it with an (optionally signed)
            distribution tag.  This automatically calls the
            check-git and release-git rules and aborts if the
            tree is dirty or the working tree doesn't match the
            release tag.

There's also a dist-git-generic rule which skips some of the checks,
and is used to retrospectively inject past distributed releases into
git (and tie them to the release history).

The file contains documentation on the use of each rule and how
to customise for individual projects.

Any comments would be appreciated.  The terminology used may not
entirely fit with existing automake terminology (release vs
distribution), and could easily be changed.

Future work will add support for pristine-tar so that the distributed
release tarball can be recreated bit-for-bit identically to the
original directly from the distribution branch.

An example of what this looks like in a real-world scenario:
Check out the distribution-1.4 branch (for example) and look at the
history with gitk to see how the distribution history ties up with
the release history and other branches in the repository.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux             http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/
 `. `'   Printing on GNU/Linux?       http://gutenprint.sourceforge.net/
   `-    GPG Public Key: 0x25BFB848   Please GPG sign your mail.
# Automake support for git-based release and distribution management
# Copyright © 2009-2010  Roger Leigh <rle...@debian.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Include this file in your top-level Makefile.am using
#   include $(top_srcdir)/scripts/git-dist.mk
# (for example)
# Note that this script uses GNU make-specific functions, and so run
# automake with -Wno-portability or add this to the automake options
# in configure.ac.

# Customise using the following variables.  See below for instructions
# on what each variable does.  Note that these could be overridden in
# the Makefile including this Makefile fragment, so this file doesn't
# need editing directly.

# Check for untracked files in working tree

# GPG sign release tags
# Naming scheme for release tags.  Note: must include $(VERSION).
# Message for release tags.

# GPG sign distribution tags
# Branch to place distributed release on
GIT_DIST_BRANCH="$(basename distribution-$(VERSION))"
GIT_DIST_COMMIT_MESSAGE="Distribution of $(PACKAGE) version $(VERSION)"
# Naming scheme for distribution tags.  Note: must include $(VERSION).
# Message for distribution tags.
# Release to distribute.

# Check that the working tree and index are clean prior to making any
# changes.  If dirty, then the changes may be unreproducible and not
# match what was expected.  For example, the distributed files may not
# match those actually committed or may not even be under version
# control.
# Project customisation:
# Checking of untracked files may be disabled by setting
        @cd "$(abs_top_srcdir)"; \
        if [ ! -d .git ]; then \
            echo "$@: Not a git repository" 1>&2; \
            exit 1; \
        fi; \
        git diff-index --quiet HEAD; \
        case $$? in \
          0) \
            if [ "$(GIT_CHECK_UNTRACKED)" == "true" ]; then \
              exclude_options=""; \
              git ls-files --others --exclude-standard 
--exclude="$(GIT_DIST_ROOT)" --error-unmatch . >/dev/null 2>&1; \
              case $$? in \
                0) \
                  echo "$@: Untracked files present in working tree"; \
                  exit 1; \
                  ;; \
                1) \
                  : \
                  ;; \
                *) \
                  echo "$@: Error checking working tree"; \
                  exit 1; \
                  ;; \
              esac; \
            fi; \
            ;; \
          1) \
            echo "$@: Uncommitted changes in working tree"; \
            exit 1; \
            ;; \
          *) \
            echo "$@: Error checking git index"; \
            exit 1; \
            ;; \

# Make a release.
# The current working tree is tagged as a new release.  If the release
# tag already exists then the operation will do nothing if the tag
# matches the current working tree, or else it will abort with an
# error.  If the repository has been accidentally tagged previously,
# then remove the tag with "git tag -d TAG" before releasing.
# NOTE: Set ENABLE_RELEASE_GIT=true when running make.  This is a
# safety check to avoid accidental damage to the git repository.
# NOTE: Running release-git independently of dist-git is NOT
# RECOMMENDED.  The distdir rule can update files in the working tree
# (for example, gettext translations in po/), so running "make
# distdir" prior to tagging the release will ensure the tagged release
# will not differ from the distributed release.
# Project customisation:
# The tag will be signed by default; set GIT_RELEASE_TAG_SIGN to
# alter.  The tag will be named using GIT_RELEASE_TAG_NAME with the
# GIT_RELEASE_TAG_MESSAGE specifying an appropriate message for the
# tag.
        @cd "$(abs_top_srcdir)"; \
        if [ ! -d .git ]; then \
            echo "$@: Not a git repository" 1>&2; \
            exit 1; \
        fi; \
        if git show-ref --tags -q $(GIT_RELEASE_TAG_NAME); then \
          echo "$@: git release tag $(GIT_RELEASE_TAG_NAME) already exists; not 
releasing" 1>&2; \
          exit 0; \
        fi; \
        if [ "$(ENABLE_RELEASE_GIT)" != "true" ]; then \
          echo "$@: ENABLE_RELEASE_GIT not true; not releasing"; \
          exit 1; \
        fi; \
        $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) check-git; \
        echo "$@: releasing $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)"; \
        RELEASE_TAG_OPTS=""; \
        if [ "$(GIT_RELEASE_TAG_SIGN)" = "true" ]; then \
          RELEASE_TAG_OPTS="$$TAG_OPTS -s"; \
        fi; \
"$(GIT_RELEASE_TAG_NAME)" HEAD || exit 1; \
        echo "$(PACKAGE) $(VERSION) release tagged as $(GIT_RELEASE_TAG_NAME)";

# Make a distribution of a release.
# A distribution is created and committed onto the specified branch.
# The commit is then tagged.  The distribution commit will have the
# release commit and the previous distribution (if any) as its
# parents.  Thus distribution releases appear to git as merges (with
# the exception of the initial release).
# NOTE: Set ENABLE_DIST_GIT=true when running make.  This is a safety
# check to avoid accidental damage to the git repository.
# Project customisation:
# GIT_DIST_COMMIT_MESSAGE specifies the commit message for the commit,
# and GIT_DIST_BRANCH specifies the branch to add the commit to.
# The tag will be signed by default; set GIT_DIST_TAG_SIGN to
# alter.  The tag will be named using GIT_DIST_TAG_NAME with the
# GIT_DIST_TAG_MESSAGE specifying an appropriate message for the
# tag.
dist-git: distdir
        $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) release-git; \
        RELEASE_COMMIT="$$(git rev-parse $(GIT_RELEASE_TAG_NAME)^{})"; \
        HEAD_COMMIT="$$(git rev-parse HEAD)"; \
        if [ "$$RELEASE_COMMIT" != "$$HEAD_COMMIT" ]; then \
          echo "$@: Working tree is not at $(GIT_RELEASE_TAG_NAME)^{} 
$$RELEASE_COMMIT; not distributing"; \
          exit 1; \
        fi; \
        $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) check-git; \
        $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) dist-git-generic 
GIT_DIST_ROOT="$(abs_top_builddir)/$(distdir)"; \

# Make a distribution of an arbitrary release.
# The same as dist-git, but this allows addition of any distribution
# rather than just the release in the current working tree.  This rule
# is intended for allowing retrospective addition of a project's
# entire release history (driven by a shell script), for example.
# See below for an example of how to do this.
# GIT_DIST_ROOT must be set to specify the release to distribute and
# VERSION must match the release version.  GIT_DIST_BRANCH may also
# require setting if not using the default.  GIT_RELEASE_TAG_NAME must
# be set to the tag name of the existing release.
dist-git-generic: $(GIT_DIST_ROOT)
        @cd "$(abs_top_srcdir)"; \
        if [ ! -d .git ]; then \
            echo "$@: Not a git repository" 1>&2; \
            exit 1; \
        fi; \
        if git show-ref --tags -q $(GIT_DIST_TAG_NAME); then \
          echo "$@: git distribution tag $(GIT_DIST_TAG_NAME) already exists; 
not distributing" 1>&2; \
          exit 1; \
        fi; \
        if [ "$(ENABLE_DIST_GIT)" != "true" ]; then \
          echo "$@: ENABLE_DIST_GIT not true; not distributing"; \
          exit 0; \
        fi; \
        echo "$@: distributing $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) on git branch 
        DIST_INDEX="$(abs_top_builddir)/.git-dist-index"; \
        DIST_TREE="$(GIT_DIST_ROOT)"; \
        rm -f "$$DIST_INDEX"; \
exit 1; \
        TREE="$$(GIT_INDEX_FILE="$$DIST_INDEX" git write-tree)"; \
        rm -f "$$DIST_INDEX"; \
        [ -n "$$TREE" ] || exit 1; \
        RELEASE_COMMIT="$$(git rev-parse $(GIT_RELEASE_TAG_NAME)^{})"; \
        DIST_PARENT="$$(git show-ref --heads -s 
refs/heads/$(GIT_DIST_BRANCH))"; \
        if [ -n "$$DIST_PARENT" ]; then \
        fi; \
        COMMIT="$$(echo $(GIT_DIST_COMMIT_MESSAGE) | git commit-tree "$$TREE" 
        [ -n "$$COMMIT" ] || exit 1; \
        git update-ref "refs/heads/$(GIT_DIST_BRANCH)" "$$COMMIT" 
"$$DIST_PARENT" || exit 1;\
        if [ -n "$$DIST_PARENT" ]; then \
          NEWROOT="(root-commit) "; \
        fi; \
        echo "[$(GIT_DIST_BRANCH) $${NEWROOT}$$COMMIT] 
        DIST_TAG_OPTS=""; \
        if [ "$(GIT_DIST_TAG_SIGN)" = "true" ]; then \
          DIST_TAG_OPTS="$$TAG_OPTS -s"; \
        fi; \
        git tag -m $(GIT_DIST_TAG_MESSAGE) $$DIST_TAG_OPTS 
"$(GIT_DIST_TAG_NAME)" "$$COMMIT" || exit 1; \
        echo "$@: $(PACKAGE) $(VERSION) distribution tagged as 

.PHONY: check-git release-git dist-git dist-git-generic

# Example: How to retrospectively insert the complete distribution
# history for a project.  Note: GIT_RELEASE_TAG_NAME must match the
# pattern used to tag all previous releases since this requires tags
# for all releases.
# #!/bin/sh
# set -e
# # Clean up any existing distribution branches and tags which could
# # interfere with addition of a complete clean distribution history.
# git tag -l | grep distribution | while read tag; do
#   git tag -d $tag
# done;
# git branch -l | grep distribution | while read branch; do
#   git branch -D $branch
# done;
# # Read an ordered list of versions from release-versions and get
# # distribution for each version from the given path and distribute
# # in git
# while read version; do
#   make dist-git-generic 
GIT_DIST_ROOT="/path/to/unpacked/releases/$package-$version" VERSION="$version" 
# done < release-versions

# Example: How to check that the added distributions are correctly
# representing the content of the old distributed releases following
# import as in the above example.
# #!/bin/sh
# set -e
# # For each version in the list of releases, check out and unpack
# # that version, and then compare it with the original.
# while read version; do
#   git checkout distribution/package-$version
#   rm -rf /tmp/package-$version
#   mkdir /tmp/package-$version
#   git archive HEAD | tar -x -C /tmp/$package-$version
#   diff -urN /tmp/$package-$version 
"/path/to/unpacked/releases/$package-$version" | lsdiff
#   rm -rf /tmp/package-$version
# done < release-versions

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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