Is this a WSDL question or is this something that you want to do with Axis2/C?

It looks to me as if this is a WSDL related problem, and if so, this is not the correct list for that :(


Sam Carleton wrote:

I would like my one physical to contain all my ports, which there will be quite a few. How exactly is that done?

Within the WSDL's service element, should each port be listed? Can I use the same soap:address location or does each port need a different address? What about the binding? I see there is a wsdl:operation element within the binding, do I need a different operation element for every operation? Also, within the binding, what exactly is the soapAction attribute within the soap:operation element? In my WSDL it's value is: urn:mmpp:nodemanager/NewOperation, but I don't have an operation called 'NewOperation', is that just a namespace? If so, what perpose does it serve since I don't see that string anywhere else in the WSDL?


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Samisa Abeysinghe Director, Engineering; WSO2 Inc. - "The Open Source SOA Company"

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