Sam Carleton wrote:

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 1:35 PM, Samisa Abeysinghe < <>> wrote:

    Is this a WSDL question or is this something that you want to do
    with Axis2/C?

    It looks to me as if this is a WSDL related problem, and if so,
    this is not the correct list for that :(

You would be correct that this is very WSDL related, but the engine is Axis2/C, which is why I posted here. If there is a pure WSDL forum to post these types of questions, I would love to know where to find it!!! I learned a long time ago that you get quicker responses when you post to the correct forum!
If it is Axis2/C specific, ask the question that way. Point to the code location, and explain what you tried to do. Just don't throw in random question on generic WS stuff in here.




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Samisa Abeysinghe Director, Engineering; WSO2 Inc. - "The Open Source SOA Company"

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