Hi folks:

So I'm trying to get the transports 1.0 releases moving along, and have run
into a bit of a snag.  The transports depend on axis2-kernel SNAPSHOT, for
interfaces like MessageContext, Flow, etc. - the problem is how do we do the
release when we want to release the transports before the actual Axis2
release?  We need to resolve all the SNAPSHOT dependencies for the Maven
release plugin to be happy, and for this case, we seem to have a circular
dependency chain. :(

A couple of options off the top of my head:

* Release transports against Axis2 1.4.1's kernel - this may not even be
possible as there may have been incompatible changes.

* Do a Maven-only release of Axis2-kernel 1.5 - i.e. NOT a distribution but
just a release into Maven.  Then use that for the Transports 1.0 releases,
and then release the Axis2 1.5 distribution after that.

Moving forward, anyone have thoughts on how to best deal with this?  One of
these options, or something else?


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