Curtis Jensen wrote:
I'm using Axis2 to generate web service clients. Everything is working fine. Now, I need to generate the SOAP XML string of what would be sent through HTTP so that I can save it for processing later. I can get a handle to the the java object Axis generated to represent the web service parameter. I can create the Call object and the OperationDescription for the call. I'm having trouble generating the SOAP XML. I've tried a couple of different things (some hackish, some less hackish). I can never quite generate the exact XML that Axis is sending (I created a proxy service to capture the exact SOAP that Axis is sending). Does someone have experience with this? Can they're share a little code example to get me going?

Have you had a look at the ligging module sample. That shows you how you could capture the SOAP messages, incomming and out going. You may improve that sample to fit your needs.


Also, I then need to do the reverse. Take the response SOAP XML string and convert it into its Java object class instance.


Samisa Abeysinghe

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