I second that suggestion.  :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Anne Thomas Manes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 2:08 PM
Subject: RE: Doc/Literal support in axis

When "starting with WSDL", what that really menas if that you should be
starting with a WSDL <portType> definition (plus it's referenced <message
and <types> definitions) -- not with a complete WSDL document including
<binding> and <service> elements. The binding information should be
specified during packaging and deployment. The <service> element should be
generated by the runtime when you deploy it. You definitely don't want to
hardcode the endpoint address.

My suggestion is that we fix Axis so that it appends the <binding> and
<service> elements to existing <portType> definitions.


At 12:56 PM 3/19/2004, you wrote:
> >There are a bunch of doc/lit specific bugs that have been fixed in both
> >straight 1.2 alpha release and the latest Axis CVS.
>Understood. This is really frustrating if you're trying to use Axis
>1.1. A beta of Axis 1.2 that passes all tests would be very welcome.
> >As to your template WSDL suggestion... not sure what the best
> >solution is there.
>I think a solution is needed. Most of the web services developers I
>talk to tell me two things: use document/literal and start with the
>WSDL and generate server code from it. Apparently this is the path to
>stability. It makes sense to me, too - you write the interface as the
>center of your system.
> >The bigger problem though is that WSDL requires service endpoints to
> >be in the WSDL AT ALL. I'm not sure if this is being addressed by
> >either WSDL 1.2 or WSDL 2.0.
>This is important for user convenience - you just point the client at
>the WSDL and you're done. For production deployment this is the right
>thing. For testing, most clients do support a way to say "use the
>proxy from this WSDL, but use a different endpoint for the service".
>A template mechanism would also solve the "what's your hostname"
>problem. It seems pretty random to me whether Axis thinks its hostname
>is http://foo/ or http://foo.example.com/

Anne Thomas Manes
VP & Research Director
Burton Group

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