Between you, me, and Axis User :) - amidst my searching to grasp the SOAP
based SOA big picture, I'm starting to feel as if SOAP support is just being
bolted onto the J2EE stack.  JAX-RPC, SAAJ, JAXM, JAXR, yadda, yadda.  The
fact that it's hard to quantify exactly what Axis is (saying that it is a
JAX-RPC implementation is not really doing it justice) just exemplifies
this.  There is just seems to be no clear overall direction for supporting
SOAP based SOAs with Java.

Keep an eye on Indigo.  Read through their white papers, if nothing else -
they really seem to have their act together as far as SOAP based SOAs.  If
Microsoft can do for SOA with Indigo what it did for thick GUI architecture
with .Net, then the time to market simplicity of it all is going to be hard
to ignore.

Even if J2EE technologies can compete, it's almost as if we'll be following
Microsoft's lead and interoperating with THEM rather than the other way

Jonathan Anderson
Booz Allen Hamilton

-----Original Message-----
From: Nelson Minar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 1:30 PM
Subject: RE: Need suggestions on web service interop and design

>David, you may be understating the problem a bit.  Building interoperable,
>WS-I compliant SOAP services with Axis is a little involved.

Yeah, a little too involved. Shouldn't this be easier? No specific
criticism of Axis intended. I'm just amazed at how much effort I'm
going through to pass arrays of numbers around.

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