Which in effect does the same thing, it creates an interface for you with only those methods, right?

Personally I prefer defining the interface myself rather than doing it via command line options, you get more compile time checking and catch mistakes early than deal with sometimes obscure Axis error messages.



You can also specify the methods to expose, using the -m option.


Tim K. wrote on 01/12/2004 19:21:04:

 > Vy Ho wrote:
 > > I wonder if you declare an interface for this service, then use it to
 > > generate wsdl.
 > >
 > > This shields you from how you implement your service.
 > >
 > Right, that's the way to do it, just create an interface for only the
 > methods you want exposed. The class can have a lot more stuff in it that
 > won't be exposed.
 > Tim

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