Please, I need help!

I have a WSDL that have the service saveNF, see attach
file. This service has the pobjDsItens element, its
type is:

<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"
<s:element ref="s:schema" />
<s:any />

I need to create MessageElement array from this
complextype. How do I do it? 

I use the wsdl2java, and it creates

public void saveNF(int pintPedido, java.lang.String
pstrCNPJDestino, java.lang.String pstrDtEmissao, int
pintTipoPedido, _SaveNF_pobjDsItens pobjDsItens,
java.lang.String pstrDtVencimento, int pintNF,
java.lang.String pstrSerie, float pfltVlTotal, float
pfltVlICMS, float pfltVlSubstituicao, java.lang.String
pstrNaturezaOp, java.lang.String pstrCNPJOrigem) {

I need to instance the parameter pobjDsItens and set
its method set_any with the MessageElement array.

Please, help me.

Felipe F. Palma Dias

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Attachment: servico.WSDL
Description: servico.WSDL

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