Check the test cases. they cover all possibilities. look at the
package.html and the deploy.wsdd's.

-- dims

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 18:22:09 +0530, babloosony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone  please answer to each of my below questions :
> 1. what is a security token reference
> ( and what
> for
> it is use in Apache WSS4J ?
> 2. when one should favor Apache XML Security Project like WSS4J over
> IBM XSS, VeriSign TSIK etc. What level of  maturity, support,
> documentation we have for all these.
> 3. Can anyone please redirect me to a handon tutorial of implementing
> a java program that implements xml signature in  soap message and also
> verifies that signature.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Kumar.

Davanum Srinivas -

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