Latest Danga::Socket (1.58 iirc)


I'm having a lot of trouble with my ax2 app. The general methodology is this:
1) ax2 receives a request
2) ax2 serializes the request, creates a socket and sends the request to an rpc server ( Net::Server ) 3) rpc serializes the result (xml and redirects etc) and passes them back to ax2
4) ax2 sends the result back to the browser

This works on my laptop. In fact it sort of works on the production server. However, if I have a request that produces a lot of xml and then I click the link quite fast in the browser, after a few seconds ax2 gets all confused and doesn't return anything. It also forgets that I am authenticated and asks for credentials again and then returns nothing.

If I then try to go to the homepage it still produces nothing. However it is receiving requests and has remembered my authentication. It is also sending the correct request to the rpc server and receiving xml back in my Danga object. (put into self->notes) in hook xmlresponse2
the xml is no longer defined tho.

More to the point, $self->client->peer_addr_string is returning undef. Which is either a cause or a symptom :)
Below is relevant logs and code. Any clue greatly appreciated.


sub create_rpc {
   my $self = shift;
   my $PORT = 2000;
   my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerHost  => 'localhost',
                                     PeerPort  => $PORT,
                                     Proto     => 'tcp',
                                     Type      => SOCK_STREAM,
                                     Blocking  => 0 )
               or die "Error creating client on port $PORT : [EMAIL PROTECTED]";
   IO::Handle::blocking( $sock, 0 );
   my $rpc = Firstb2b::AxKit2::SubprocessEvent->new($sock, $self->client);
   #$self->client->notes( 'rpc', $rpc );
   $self->notes( 'rpc', $rpc );
   $rpc->AddOtherFds( fileno($sock) => sub{} );
   return $rpc;
sub hook_xmlresponse1 {

   my ($self, $input) = @_;
   my ( $dom, $sub, $bl, $uri );
   my $client = $self->client;

   $self->log(LOGDEBUG, 'XML ONE ' );

   $client->notes('xml_response', DECLINED);

if ( $client->headers_in->filename =~ /\.(?i:png|gif|css|jpg|js|html)$/ ) { $self->log(LOGDEBUG, 'DECLINING ORDINARY FILE11111: '. $client->headers_in->filename);
       return DECLINED;


   my $is_valid = $self->validate_uri;

   $self->log(LOGDEBUG, 'IS: '. ($is_valid ? 'VALID' : 'NOT VALID'));

   # If we're using auth, it's the auth sid, otherwise it's the rpc sid
   my $sid = $self->get_session_id;

   my $rpc = $self->create_rpc;
   my $params = { uri_params => $self->get_uri_params,
                  sid        => $sid,
                  username   => $client->notes('username'),
                  use_auth   => $self->config('UsingAuth') };

   $rpc->write( freeze( $params ) . 'ROSE' . EOL );


} # hook_xmlresponse1

sub hook_xmlresponse2 {
   my ($self, $input, $hdrs) = @_;

   my $client = $self->client;

if ( $client->headers_in->filename =~ /\.(?i:png|gif|css|jpg|js|html)$/ ) { $self->log(LOGDEBUG, 'DECLINING ORDINARY FILE22222: '. $client->headers_in->filename);
       return DECLINED;

   $self->log(LOGDEBUG, 'XML TWO '.ref $input );

   my $sid;

#     my $rpc = $client->notes('rpc');
   my $rpc = $self->notes('rpc');

   if ($client->notes('xml_response') == OK) {

       $self->log(LOGDEBUG, "\n\nXMLRESPONSE 2 OKOK");# rpc->data ".

       # If it's auth we gen the sid, otherwise the rpc app does it.
# The reason being that we don't know the states of the app and a session
       # isn't generated until after a login.
       # I suppose the app could tell us when to generate one.

       $sid = $rpc->{data}{sid};

       # Only store the auth sid => rpc sid if we are using auth
       if ( $self->config('UsingAuth') ) {
$sessions->{$client->notes('authenticate::session')} = $rpc->{data}{sid} if $sid;
       else {
           # TODO cookie the sid

       # debug
       if ( !$rpc->{data} || !$rpc->{data}{xml} ) {
my $uri = "http://".$client->headers_in->header('Host').$self->uri_gen( {state => 'admin_mp'} ); $self->log(LOGDEBUG, "\n\nNO XML RETURNED FROM RPC XMLRESPONSE 2 REDIRECT -> ". Dumper($rpc->{data}).$client->notes('xml_response').$uri);
           $client->headers_out->header('Location', $uri );
           return REDIRECT;

       my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
       my $dom = $parser->parse_string( $rpc->{data}{xml} );
       $input->dom( $dom );

       my $styles = $rpc->{data}{styles};

       $client->notes('rpc', undef);

       my $dir = $self->config('StyleSheetDir').'/';
my $out = $input->transform(map XSLT( $dir.$_->{style}, %{$_->{params}} ), @{$styles});

       $self->log(LOGDEBUG, 'XML2 OUT' );

       return OK, $out;
   elsif ($client->notes('xml_response') == REDIRECT) {
my $uri = "http://".$client->headers_in->header('Host').$rpc->{data}{uri};
       $self->log(LOGDEBUG, "\n\nXMLRESPONSE 2 REDIRECT -> ".
       $client->headers_out->header('Location', $uri );

   return $client->notes('xml_response');

package Firstb2b::AxKit2::SubprocessEvent;

# Used by AxKit plugin that drives our apps

use AxKit2::Constants;
use base qw(Danga::Socket);
use fields qw(data client);
use Storable qw( freeze thaw );
use Data::Dumper;

sub new {
   my Firstb2b::AxKit2::SubprocessEvent $self = shift;
   my $sock = shift;
   my $client = shift;
   $self = fields::new( $self ) unless ref($self);
   $self->{data} = '';
   $self->{client} = $client;
   return $self;

sub event_read {
   my Firstb2b::AxKit2::SubprocessEvent $self = shift;
   my $bref = $self->read(20000);
warn "EVENT READ 1: bref ".($bref ? length($$bref) : 0);#.Dumper($bref);
   return $self->close($!) unless defined $bref;
   chomp $$bref; # lose the \n
warn "EVENT READ 2: chomped bref ".($bref ? length($$bref) : 0);#.Dumper($bref);
   my $finished = $$bref =~ s/ROSE\015?//;
   $self->{data} .= $$bref;

   if ( $finished ) {
       $self->{data} = thaw $self->{data};
$self->{client}->notes('xml_response', $self->{data}{RESPONSE} || OK); warn "EVENT READ 3: self->data ".length($self->{data});#.Dumper($self->{data});
warn "EVENT READ 4";
   else {
       $self->{client}->notes('xml_response', DECLINED);


2008-02-29 09:27:52.208145500 L6 Connection from 2008-02-29 09:27:52.244694500 L6 uri_to_file uri_translation translate: /ecomm/, root /ecomm, dr: /var/www/AxKit2/ecomm/web/webroot 2008-02-29 09:27:52.245134500 L7 uri_to_file uri_translation Translated / to /var/www/AxKit2/ecomm/web/webroot (request uri: /ecomm/, path info: ) 2008-02-29 09:27:52.245537500 L7 authenticate authentication Digest authentication for realm Ecomm II 2008-02-29 09:27:52.246413500 L6 authenticate authentication Identified user as john via Digest 2008-02-29 09:27:52.246746500 L7 ecomm_2epm xmlresponse XML ONE
2008-02-29 09:27:52.247020500 L7 ecomm_2epm xmlresponse
2008-02-29 09:27:52.247021500
2008-02-29 09:27:52.247022500 VALIDATE URI PARAMS: $VAR1 = undef;
2008-02-29 09:27:52.247023500
2008-02-29 09:27:52.247173500 L7 ecomm_2epm xmlresponse IS: VALID 2008-02-29 09:27:52.247345500 L7 ecomm_2epm xmlresponse GET SESSION: 6226d3bc4a70cce30a15448bed557dde 2008-02-29 09:27:52.254131500 EVENT READ 1: bref 1766 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Firstb2b/AxKit2/ line 27. 2008-02-29 09:27:52.254157500 EVENT READ 2: chomped bref 1765 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Firstb2b/AxKit2/ line 30. 2008-02-29 09:27:52.254271500 EVENT READ 3: self->data 15 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Firstb2b/AxKit2/ line 37. 2008-02-29 09:27:52.254547500 peer undef L7 ecomm_2epm xmlresponse XML TWO AxKit2::Processor
2008-02-29 09:27:52.254676500 peer undef L7 ecomm_2epm xmlresponse
2008-02-29 09:27:52.254677500
2008-02-29 09:27:52.254678500 XMLRESPONSE 2 OKOK
2008-02-29 09:27:52.254974500 peer undef L7 ecomm_2epm xmlresponse
2008-02-29 09:27:52.254976500
2008-02-29 09:27:52.254976500 NO XML RETURNED FROM RPC XMLRESPONSE 2 REDIRECT -> $VAR1 = {}; 2008-02-29 09:27:52.254978500 200http://darkstar:8010/ecomm/?state=admin_mp&rose=155c22b3cbf9d048cd2f905ffc75dda0 2008-02-29 09:27:52.255280500 EVENT READ 4 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Firstb2b/AxKit2/ line 39. 2008-02-29 09:27:52.255331500 EVENT READ 1: bref 0 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Firstb2b/AxKit2/ line 27.

2008/02/29-09:27:52 CONNECT TCP Peer: "" Local: ""
         'sid' => '6226d3bc4a70cce30a15448bed557dde',
         'use_auth' => '1',
         'uri_params' => {},
         'username' => 'john'
         'sid' => '6226d3bc4a70cce30a15448bed557dde',
'dom' => bless( do{\(my $o = 168155464)}, 'XML::LibXML::Document' ),
         'styles' => [
                         'params' => {},
                         'style' => 'menu.xsl'
                         'params' => {},
                         'style' => 'start.xsl'
                         'params' => {
                                       'css' => 'main.css'
                         'style' => 'common.xsl'

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