All tru
Brainz has "advanced relationships" to break "Paul Simon and Art
Garfunkel" into "paul Simon" and "Art Garfunkel" (bad example I know)
And for that matter "Peter Andre and Jordan" into "Peter Andre" and

Thanks for the pointer to
Very interesting and definitely worth following up.
Still very focussed on commercially available stuff and lacking on the
Classical front tho ~ difficult to describe eg glastonbury or the proms
with this...?

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kim Plowright
Sent: 26 January 2007 10:46
Subject: RE: [backstage] Music, (meta)data, musicbrainz and the BBC

I've been lurking on the Musicbrainz dev list for years; iirc, there is
some hidden category to make duets/collaborations like that resolve to
two artists.

It may well be worth finding their list archives to check we're not
about to rediscuss all of the conversations!

(Is Rob Mayhem and Chaos on here now? Hello love, if so!)

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Wood
Sent: 24 January 2007 23:47
Subject: Re: [backstage] Music, (meta)data, musicbrainz and the BBC

I bumped into a fully fledged spec for a music ontology the other day
[], which looks like it hit
revision 1.0 in December. Seems it's sharing your position of wanting to
work with the musicbrainz model, but also wanting to extend it to make
it more applicable to other uses (namely linking up to other

I've only recently started looking at the musicbrainz data, but the
first thing I noticed (as seems common to other models) is the sometimes
broken assumption that the artist name of a track should resolve to an
artist entry. E.g. 'The Pogues & Kirsty McCall' is an artist entry for
'Fairytale of New York'. Whereas It'd be way more useful to have two
artist entries point to the track, and put the 'artist title' somewhere
else. iTunes provides a compromise of making 'Artist' and 'Album artist'
available to differentiate this, but this still doesn't provide the many
to one relationship that would be more semantically correct, imho.

Although my thoughts generally tend to verge towards the 'finding new
music' angle, I'd most likely  be up for points 7 & 8 :-)


PS First post n'all. And I should probably come out as a BBC employee
using non-work email 'all my own/not bbc thoughts' disclaimer applies,

On 1/24/07, Michael Smethurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Evening all
> BBC Audio and Music (ne Radio and Music) are about to embark on the 
> long and winding road to a better online music "offering"
> To this end we've been working with of 
> to improve our music (meta)data
> So the questions to you are:
> 1. Have you worked with musicbrainz data?
> 2. If so what's missing from / wrong with the model (we've spotted 
> works, movements, songs as opposed to tracks, releases conflated with 
> products... maybe there's something you'd like to see in there).
> Responses from classical music geeks especially welcome!
> 3. Have you worked with the musicbrainz api?
> 4. If so what would you like to see there?
> 5. Have you ever worked with any bbc music data (unlikely cos to the 
> best of my knowledge we've never given you any ~ sorry) 6. What music 
> related data would you like to see from the bbc?
> 7. If you sat in a pub and sketched an ideal schema to describe music 
> what would it look like?
> 8. Would you like to sit in a pub and sketch an ideal schema to 
> describe music? We might run to a pint...
> As a first stage we're working with Robert to expand his schema to 
> allow the modelling of classical music, live music, sessions etc 
> without alienating his community. If there's enough interest it might 
> be an excuse for a musicbrainz/backstage/bbc meetup later this year
> Sorry to be quite so open ended but if you've got an opinion on any of

> this (or anything in any way related) please scribble it here
> Cheers
> Michael
> -
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