On 19/12/2007, Christopher Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Never mind EOT, just emply a tasteful dollup of SiFR -
> http://www.mikeindustries.com/sifr for the uninitiated. Never mind all
> that proprietary EOT stuff, (and whilst I don't actually loathe IE, I just
> think it's a waste of a feature.) Bonus: cross-browser branded headers in
> whatever font the BBC's using now, plus if they run a feature or something
> else which has its own branding, they can slot it in. Bonus two: degrades
> gracefully. Bonus three: understandable by screen readers.

I have to say that Macromedia Flash is as propritary as EOT fonts!

EOT doesn't require Flash installed and works on IE6, IE7 with Windows
95/98/ME/2K/2K3/Vista (ie 90%+ of users) and uses ClearType rendering when

It will also degrade gracefully to another font and can be read by screen

Just a line in the old CSS file to get the font in your list, viz:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] {    font-family: TiresiasScreenfont;    font-style:  normal;
font-weight: normal;    src: url(fonts/TIRESIA0.eot);  }
@font-face { font-family: "Neo Sans Light"; font-style:  normal;font-weight:
normal; src: url("fonts/NEOSANS2.eot");  }*

And then just call the font by it's name...

*H1 { font-family:    "Neo Sans Light", Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica,

How easy is that?

And the .EOT file is cached by the browser!

> :)
>  Also, why not (for Windows+IE users) use .EOT soft fonts?  They are
> really easy to do!
> http://www.microsoft.com/typography/web/embedding/weft3/default.htm

Please email me back if you need any more help.

Brian Butterworth

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