Hi all,

> I've just switched from BackupPC v3 to v4.4.0 and really appreciate the new 
> feature „ClientShareName2Path“.
> I’m using it for mapping a LVM snapshot directory (which is created predump):
> $Conf{ClientShareName2Path} = {
>  '/' => '/.snapshot/root'
> };
> Problem is:
> When I try to restore a file, backuppc expects that the remote dir 
> /.snapshot/root is still existing, which is not the case because it is 
> removed after the backup. Besides that I do not even want to restore to the 
> snapshot directory but to the live filesystem.
> Any chance to ignore the ClientShareName2Path variable for restores 
> respectively how can I restore files to a different directory without 
> creating the snapshot directory first?

just in case anybody has the same problem, I found a solution that is working 
for me (although I would prefer a more obvious way):

Restore the files to host      xxx.xxx.tld
Restore the files to share     <leave that one completely empty>  <----
Restore the files below dir    /  (or whatever your dest. path is)
(relative to share)

Works because BackupPC sets dest path to / according to
lib/BackupPC/Xfer/Rsync.pm (line 104):
$remoteDir = "/" if ( $remoteDir eq "" );

So ClientShareName2Path seems to be „overwritten" this way.

Best regards,

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