Yes, I'd expect v3 pools to go stay the same or down if anything but they are 
increasing in size.  And the pool files (either v3 or v4) should not grow 
anyway- all active hosts are set for compression.  

The documentation has these bits which are relevant

"V3 migration: nothing specific is needed. V4 can browse/view/restore V3 

"When a V4 backup is first done, BackupPC_backupDuplicate is run to duplicate 
the most recent V3 backup to create a new V4 backup. A "filled" view of the 
most recent V3 backup is used to create a "filled" V4 backup tree.
This step could be time consuming, since every file needs to be read (as a V3 
file) and written as a V4 file. However, the V4 pooling code knows about the V3 
pool, so it will move the V3 pool file into the V4 pool. So this duplication 
process doesn't burn a lot of pool storage space, but every file still needs to 
be read (to compute the MD5 digest) and "written" (really just 

On 7 Jan 2021, 06:25, at 06:25, Sorin Srbu <> wrote:
>On Wed, 2021-01-06 at 22:34 +0000, George King wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Sorry if I'm missing something obvious but would anyone have any
>ideas why my V3 pool is growing (hugely) after upgrading to v4.4.0.  It
>doesn't make sense to me.  Over 3 days it has grown from 219Gb to 383Gb
>and there is only one client that is not compressed (localhost) which
>has not backed up since the upgrade (subject of a different post).
>The V3 cPool has also grown (16-28Tb, although the graph doesn't seem
>to show this) while the V4 cPool is static at 8.84Tb.  Thanks
>I'm speculating a bit now, and trying to remember half-forgotten
>Isn't this expected when changing from v3 to v4, since two pools are
>Eventually the v3 pool will be emptied and everything will be moved
>over to
>the v4 pool.
>IIRC, there should be a tool to convert the v3 pool to v4 and speed
>Kind regards,
>Sorin Srbu
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