Hi everyone,

Sorry if I'm missing something obvious but would anyone have any ideas why my V3 pool is growing (hugely) after upgrading to v4.4.0.  It doesn't make sense to me.  Over 3 days it has grown from 219Gb to 383Gb and there is only one client that is not compressed (localhost) which has not backed up since the upgrade (subject of a different post).   The V3 cPool has also grown (16-28Tb, although the graph doesn't seem to show this) while the V4 cPool is static at 8.84Tb.  Thanks

On 03/01/2021 17:41, George King wrote:


I've upgraded from V3.3.1 to V4.4.0 on Ubuntu 18.04.05 LTS and it has gone pretty well, thanks to earlier help from this forum.  Most clients are successfully backing up but I've still got a few snags that I'm trying to work through.

The first one is that the Pool size is growing for no obvious reason.  Should I be worried?

The graph below shows my pool and cpool during the change over from v3 to v4.  I understand the new V4 cpool slice but what is strange is that the V3 pool is growing day by day (at the expense of both CPools, maybe).  The only client I had on pool backup was localhost (excluding /var/lib/backuppc of course) and I have not got that working under V4 (see no 2 below), so I'm not clear why it is growing.  Any ideas?

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