Just as an update...
I have been running BackupPC 4.x on my RPI4 with 8GB memory and an
external USB 1TB Samsung SSD.

It's been ROCK STABLE for the past 7 months -- no crashes in more than
200 days and I only rebooted once due to a kernel upgrade.

So in summary, it's a simple, fast, stable, small footprint,  and
affordable backup system.

(Full disclosure, I use it as a secondary backup to my Linux BackupPC server)

G.W. Haywood via BackupPC-users wrote at about 15:40:44 +0000 on Tuesday, 
January 5, 2021:
 > Hi there,
 > On Tue, 5 Jan 2021, backu...@kosowsky.org wrote:
 > > Robert E. Wooden wrote at about 10:02:58 -0600 on Monday, January 4, 2021:
 > >  > On 1/4/2021 9:55 AM, Les Mikesell wrote:
 > >  > > On Mon, Jan 4, 2021 at 9:32 AM G.W. Haywood via BackupPC-users wrote:
 > >  > >> I've tried using a 4B and gave up with it - unreliable. ...
 > >  > > Maybe you just have a bad one or it is overheating in its case ...
 > Nope.  We have several.  They all do it.  It isn't an overheating
 > problem.  Some of them aren't even in cases - they're mounted on flat
 > panels (which are in turn mounted vertically for maximum convection
 > cooling) and the rooms in which they run are very cool.  Nagios says
 > the temperatures are fine at the crash but they do throttle themselves
 > at high temperatures anyway.  There's also a chip register which can
 > be inspected to see if CPU temperature limits have been exceeded.
 > >  > > ... I've left a 4B powered up for months without crashing.
 > My wife uses one for desktop stuff and it's more or less fine for that
 > use.  It can be left running idle for many weeks; the best uptime ever
 > according to Nagios was about 110 days.  It crashed (around lunchtime)
 > on New Year's Day after 68 days when (we think) she was thrashing a
 > database.  But if for example she connects a powered USB device like a
 > second HDD it's almost bound to crash immediately.  So after a few bad
 > experiences there are things we just don't do now, and that's how we
 > can manage to get more than a couple of days uptime.
 > >  > > Mine doesn't have a load like backuppc ...
 > I'm pretty sure that load is one of the issues.  Running as a database
 > server here, the disc is thrashing constantly, 24/365.  The backup server
 > is obviously only a heavy load during backups, and then only some backups.
 > > Robert E. Wooden wrote at about 10:02:58 -0600 on Monday, January 4, 2021:
 > >  > I'm going to add here that I have seen a few posts (elsewhere) that some
 > >  > 4B w/8Gb RAM had crash issues and a 4B 4Gb running the same program runs
 > >  > ... Wondering what model 4B the OP is using? (2Gb, 4Gb, or 8Gb?)
 > They're all 4GB.  They were purchased well before the 8GB was released.
 > > Well I was considering buying a 4B 8GB mounted in my router "cabinet"
 > Keep an eye on the cooling.
 > > to do the following 3 things:
 > > 1. Backuppc server (secondary ...
 > If it's a secondary I'd be a little anxious for you but just about OK
 > with that.  I wouldn't now consider a 4B for any backup of my own, as
 > it would be too easy to let things slide and create your own accident.
 > > 2. Using NUT, monitor the UPS powering the switches/routers/VOIP
 > >    devices in my router cabinet
 > As I said I run Nagios/Icinga on 4Bs, I also run Smokeping which does
 > quite a bit of network activity too.  But if it crashes, no big deal.
 > > 3. Potentially also serve as an occasional mythtv frontend for a
 > >    basement TV used during exercise
 > Well my preferred forms of exercise precludes anything like that, but
 > I'm sure it would be OK.  We watch all our movies on a Pi 2!  On the
 > whole pretty reliable although we only run it in the evenings, but it
 > doesn't like mplayer.  Omxplayer seems not to be in development any
 > more (this is hearsay from her indoors:) but that's what we use.
 > > Would be good to understand if the issues with crashing 4B are due to:
 > > 1. One-off faulty device
 > Absolutely not.  We've tried really hard to get the things going with
 > multiple different discs, USB/SATA interfaces, power supplies, cables
 > and the 4B devices themselves.  The only common theme is the 4B.  The
 > same discs, interfaces, PSUs and cables are fine on (again, several)
 > Pi3B+ devices.  The 4Bs don't run reliably with just a Webcam.
 > > 2. General hardware design issue
 > Yes.  It could be more than one thing.  Could be that there's more
 > wrong with the USB design than the already well-documented problems.
 > Could be that the power stability is an issue - being an erstwhile
 > electronics designer I've never liked the idea of hanging the PSU on
 > the end of two metres of skinny flex for example, but I've never gone
 > into that and tried running with a shorter cable.  If I wanted to do
 > it myself I'd probably do it all myself, but I don't have the time.
 > > 3. General OS/software issue
 > We can't rule out supplier- or hardware- specific drivers.
 > > 4. "Overload" of some type
 > Don't think so, but the opportunity for power line noise bothers me,
 > I've seen both CPUs and RAM devices fall over for that reason.
 > > 5. Weird other interaction among HW/OS/apps etc
 > Assuming the interaction isn't because of something specific to the Pi
 > (my comment under your 3 above) I don't think so.  I've had problems
 > with very different setups - file servers, database servers, backup
 > servers, performance monitoring, security cameras (both USB and IP)
 > and desktop.  All were the same basic OS, but different application
 > software.  All continuous, if not necessarily all heavy, system usage.
 > The uptime on the 3B+ that I'm using to type this message is 285 days:
 > piplus:~$ >>> uptime
 >   14:50:08 up 285 days, 1 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.11, 0.06
 > The Alix device for my main firewall (which is behind another firewall,
 > and although it's sort of Linux it's much stripped-down for a firewall):
 > fw44g: # uptime
 >   13:45:57 up 323 days, 23:43,  load average: 0.03, 0.02, 0.04
 > I've never got anywhere even close to that on a 4B.  On Alix boards I've
 > had getting on for 1000 days uptime.  Never seen one crash.
 > -- 
 > 73,
 > Ged.
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