Berikut ini email dari pak Fenny Halim mengenai masalah "tokso" yang sudah
pernah dibahas sebelumnya.
Mudah-mudahan berguna bagi para pendatang baru.
Untuk memperpendek jalur diskusi, kalo ada pertanyaan tentang masalah yang
sudah pernah dibahas, mohon kesediaan dari member balita-yang masih punya
filenya untuk mem-forwardkan lagi. Sekalian menginga-inga.

Terima kasih kepada pak Fenny. 

> Why is it dangerous to change my cat's litter now that
> I'm pregnant? 
> Cat feces can carry a parasite that causes
> toxoplasmosis, an infection that isn't serious for you
> but can pose a danger to your developing baby. Some
> birds and other animals, as well as some raw meats,
> can also carry the parasite.
> Toxoplasmosis causes most severe damage to the fetus
> if a woman comes down with it in her first trimester.
> Happily, the odds of contracting toxoplasmosis during
> pregnancy are low--only about one in 1,000 women do
> so. Studies also indicate that about one-third of
> American women are immune to toxoplasmosis altogether.
> And if you live with cats the likelihood is even
> higher that you've already contracted the disease and
> developed an immunity to it.
> What are the symptoms of toxoplasmosis? 
> The symptoms in adults are fairly mild: Swollen lymph
> glands in the neck, fever, chills, headache, muscle
> aches, and fatigue. They usually appear about two to
> three weeks after you've been exposed. But some
> infected adults show no symptoms at all.
> For a fetus, the effects of toxoplasmosis are more
> dire. It can result in low birthweight, fever,
> jaundice, and seizures, as well as long-term health
> conditions such as mental retardation, and vision
> problems.
> I'm still worried--what can I do to make sure I don't
> have it? 
> You can take a blood test that measures whether or not
> you're immune to the parasite. If you have no
> antibodies, you're not immune. The recommended
> procedure is to repeat the antibody test every month
> or so until you deliver. Should the tests become
> positive along the way, it's likely you're infected.
> Treatment involves taking special antibiotics over a
> period of several months, and greatly reduces the risk
> that the baby will be born with any serious problems.
> Another option is to test whether your fetus is
> infected. This can be done through amniocentesis, as
> well as by examining a fetal blood and/or amniotic
> fluid sample. Babies at risk can also be tested after
> delivery. If a baby does show signs of the infection,
> he'll receive long-term antibiotic treatment and be
> followed closely. It's reassuring to know that only
> one baby in 10,000 is born with severe congenital
> toxoplasmosis.
> How can I avoid getting it in the first place? 
> Since the parasite can be found in raw or undercooked
> meat, eat your burger or steak well-done. And when
> you're handling raw meat, wash your hands thoroughly
> afterward. If you're gardening where there might be
> cat feces, wear rubber gloves, and wash your hands
> well after touching the soil.
> As for your cat, feed him storebought pet food to be
> sure he's not eating undercooked meat. And rein him
> in. Keep him inside, if possible, to prevent him from
> hunting mice, since they can harbor the parasite. If
> you can't keep your cat from prowling the
> neighborhood, don't hold him close to your face, or
> share your bed, sheets, pillows, or blankets with him.
> Always wash your hands thoroughly after playing with
> him. Use gloves when emptying the litter and wash your
> hands when you're finished. Better yet, have someone
> else take over cat-box duty for the duration of your
> pregnancy--something you surely won't miss.
> If, after all this, you're still worried, you can have
> your cat tested by a veterinarian to see if he has an
> infection. And if he does, you should board him with
> someone else for six weeks or so until the infection
> can no longer be passed along.
> Berikut artikel singkat tentang Rubella.
> Mamanya Dafi
> German Measles (Rubella)
> What is rubella? 
> Rubella, or German measles, is an infection
> characterized by a pink-red rash that first appears on
> the face and later spreads to other parts of the body,
> a mild fever, and swollen lymph nodes. The virus runs
> its course in about three days. Although rubella is a
> relatively mild illness, it's very dangerous for a
> pregnant woman as it can cause birth defects from
> deafness to encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)
> and heart defects. Fortunately, at least 75 percent of
> women in their childbearing years are immune to the
> disease, either from a childhood vaccination or a bout
> with German measles as a child.
> What if I'm not immune? What can I do? 
> Ideally, you should get vaccinated before you get
> pregnant and then wait three months before trying to
> conceive. This gives your body enough time to
> completely kill off the injected virus so you won't be
> in danger of passing it to your baby. If you got the
> vaccine in the early weeks of your pregnancy before
> you knew you were carrying a child, don't worry; the
> chances it will harm your baby are very low. Still,
> your doctor may recommend a detailed ultrasound at 18
> weeks to give you some reassurance.
> If you become infected with German measles during
> pregnancy, the risk to your baby depends on when you
> contracted the infection. If it happens during the
> first month, there's a one in two chance your baby
> will be affected. By the third month, the risk drops
> to one in 10. Unfortunately, nothing can be done
> during the pregnancy to protect the fetus. You'll need
> to work closely with your healthcare provider to test
> for birth defects and prepare for when the baby's
> born.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fenny Halim [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 4:03 PM
> Subject:      FW: TOKSOPLASMOSIS
> Pak, ini kebetulan masih saya simpan file mengenai toxo yang pernah
> dibahas
> dulu.
> > " Meskipun pemeliharaan kucing kami telah dilakukan oleh suami, tetapi
> > kenyataan bhw saya hidup dengan kucing, membuat saya khawatir akan
> > kemungkinan TOKSOPLASMOSIS. Bagaimana saya tahu bahwa saya terkena
> > penyakit ini ?"
> > 
> > Mungkin anda tidak terkena penyakit ini. Pada umumnya, orang yang
> > terinfeksi sama sekali tidak menunjukkan gejala, meskipun beberapa orang
> > yang terkena dapat mengalami rasa lemah, sedikit demam, dan pembengkakan
> > kelenjar, dua atau tiga minggu setelah infeksi, kemudian diikuti oleh
> > merah/gatal pada satu atau dua hari kemudian.
> > 
> > Satu-satunya cara untuk menentukan apakah anda terinfeksi atau tidak,
> > adalah pemeriksaan darah; pemeriksaan ini akan menunjukkan adanya
> parasit,
> > yaitu toksoplasma gondii yang tiba-tiba berkembang pada wanita yang
> > sebelumnya tidak menunjukkan adanya antibodi. Tanyakan pada dokter anda
> > apakah anda sudah di tes sebelum hamil. Bila anda sudah memiliki
> antibodi,
> > kemungkinan besar demikian. Bila anda hidup bersama kucing, artinya anda
> > sudah imun dan tidak perlu khawatir akan berkembangnya
> > infeksi pada saat ini. Bila anda belum mempunyai antibodi, anda tidak
> > imun. Dan pada keadaan ini, prosedur yang dianjurkan adalah mengulang
> tes
> > antibodi IgG setiap satu atau dua bulan sampai anda melahirkan. Bila
> pada
> > suatu saat hasil tes menjadi positif, kemungkinan besar infeksi
> > telah terjadi. 
> > 
> > Pada peristiwa yang sangat jarang terjadi ini (di Amerika, hanya satu
> dari
> > 1000 wanita yang dianggap terinfeksi saat kehamilan),langkah selanjutnya
> > adalah diskusi yang lengkap dan menyeluruh dengan dokter
> > anda, spesialis hubungan ibu dengan janin, atau dengan penasihat
> genetik.
> > Usia kehamilan disaat infeksi terjadi, merupakan faktor yang perlu
> > dipertimbangkan. Risiko terinfeksinya janin pada trisemester
> > pertama adalah relatif kecil, kemungkinan kurang dari 15%, tetapi resiko
> > kerusakan yang serius pada janin adalah tinggi. Pada trisemester kedua,
> > kemungkinan infeksi sedikit lebih tinggi, tetapi resiko terjadinya
> > kerusakan sedikit lebih kecil. Pada trisemester terakhir, kemungkinan
> > janin terinfeksi akan tinggi, tetapi resiko kerusakannya kecil. Hanya 1
> > dari 10.000 bayi yang lahir dengan toksoplasmosis bawaan yang berat.
> > 
> > Faktor lain  yang  perlu dipertimbangkan adalah apakah janin itu sendiri
> > benar-benar telah terinfeksi. Perkembangan ilmu akhir-akhir ini telah
> > memungkinkan untuk memeriksa adanya infeksi pada janin melalui
> > amniosentesis, juga pemeriksaan contoh darah janin dan/atau cairan
> amnion,
> > meskipun biasanya tidak dapat dilakukan sebelum minggu ke 20 sampai 22.
> > Bila tidak ada infeksi pada janin, kemungkinan janin juga tidak
> > terpengaruh. Dan pada akhirnya, bila seorang wanita hamil menunjukkan
> > tanda infeksi dan tidak ingin mengakhiri kehamilannya terlepas dari
> apapun
> > yang dianjurkan oleh hasil tes, maka ia harus
> > diobati dengan antibiotik khusus, mungkin untuk beberapa bulan.
> Pengobatan
> > seperti ini tampaknya sangat mengurangi resiko bayi lahir dengan masalah
> > serius. 
> > 
> > Bila anda sebelumnya belum pernah dites, maka menurut penelitian
> terakhir,
> > tidak ada perlunya anda di tes sekarang. kecuali bila anda mengalami
> > gejala-gejalanya. Tes-tes yang dilakukan tidak cukup akurat
> > untuk menunjukkan apakah seorang wanita yang belum pernah dites
> sebelumnya
> > mempunyai infeksi baru, atau hanya menunjukkan adanya antibodi dari
> > suntukan sebelumnya. 
> > 
> > PERAWATAN yang terbaik dari toksoplasmosis adalah PENCEGAHAN. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

"Untuk mereka yang mendambakan anak balitanya tumbuh sehat & cerdas"

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