On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 5:38 PM, Noufal Ibrahim <nou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> [...]
> > Does anyone think something of this sort would be of wider use? Do you
> > know already existing packages that can do it? What are the
> > limitations that you see to this approach? Does anyone think, having
> > the declarative string in code, would make it more maintainable?
> [...]
> I don't want to rain on your parade but I don't think this will be
> useful.
> Regular expressions are mathematically sound ways of representing state
> machines. They unambiguous and clean. They were brought into the whole
> "programming" universe as a tool to do text processing and then
> unleashed upon the unwashed masses leading them to use it for everything
> from looking for a string in a file to parsing XML. The problem now is
> that we have too much of this line noise in our programs and there have
> been efforts to "clean it up" by using more "readable syntax". There was
> even one floating about a few months ago which used XML to describe
> regexps. I don't want to try to write an example.
> One of the things about regular expressions which makes them powerful is
> their brevity and compactness. This of course leads to sometimes
> unreadable code, abuse etc. but all of those are discipline issues which
> should be addressed by simply using less regexps and using other things
> which are more suited to the task (plain string indexing, parsers etc.).
> I think an attempt to create a more "friendly regexp format" which is
> more readable is going the way of COBOL with it's "ADD 1 to X" rather
> than x+=1.
> However, it's an interesting idea to make this work. I'd like to do the
> reverse. Given a regexp, break it down into English for me so that I can
> figure out what it's trying to do quickly.
> ---


Thanks for the view. I do agree with you that as the regex becomes overly
complex, this textual representation may also become equally complex..or
more so.

Here's a website to find out 'quickly' what a regular expression means:

Best regards,
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