Arthur Ness schrieb:
> muster, imo. Didn't lutenists come to Bach in pairs?
> Strecker & Sciurius?  Weiss & Kropfgans?

Hello Arthur,
I know of the source for  the visit of Weiss and Kropfgans in 1739.
It is in a letter of a nephew of J.S.Bach.

Where can we read from the visit of Strecker & Sciurius?

BTW - I know Sciurius from his  intabulations of chorales, but never 
heard anything of a  lutenist named Strecker.
Can you give us more details?

For Sciurius there are some details in Per Kjetil Farstad´s diss, German 
galant lute music in the 18th century:
Sciuro (Ciurus, Ciurius, Sciurus, Scyurus), Johann Michael (ca. 1700 - 
after 1754) was apparently Bach´s lutenist in Cöthen.
He was a singer and lutenist. In 1724, Sciuro was employed in Cöthen as 
"Vocal-Musicus." He resigned from this position in 1754.
Ernst Gottlieb Baron visited Cöthen on two occasions. His second visit 
was in 1737 when he stayed for severel months and probably met Sciuro.

His arrangements of chorales are to be found in two Berlin manuscripts 
now in Krakau:
Ms 40150 (some of the chorales of 40151 and 2 Rust-Sonatas) and 40151 
(more than 200 chorales).


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