Arthur Ness schrieb:
> That would be Elizabeth Stricker (not Strecker),
> lutenist in Coethen.
> Wife of JSB's precdecessor. I didn';t mean to suggest a
> visit to Leipzig.

I see. Haven´t heard of her before. It is interesting that among the 
professional lutenists there had been some female  lutenists also.
There had been one in Stuttgart also: Maria Dorothea St.Pierre, later 
married Spurny; and also a Mrs. Compernass.

> It is interesting that Sciurus's chorales also appear in
> that manuscript associated with Rust. I long suspected
> they were not by Rust, and that he just used the blank
> pages. The cover of the Sciurius "Canzoni devotti" (Mus
> Ms 40151) has the initials C. A. A. Pr. D'A.  Christina
> Agnes Agnera, Princess d'Anhalt-Coethen (hope I have
> that name OK). She was later Rust's patron when he was
> Kapellmesiter in
> Anhalt-Dessau. She studied harpsichord with JSB, but
> lute as well with Sciurus.  Have you ever considered the
> Canzoni as being gathered into three-movement suites?
> Breitkopf advertised a
> partita by Sciurius (now lost?).  The sonatas by Rust
> were written for her, I presume.
Unfortunately I don´t have yet a copy of the big Sciurus-Ms. Anyway that 
is an interesting thought.
But I´m not sure, as in fact Sciurus seemed to have only arranged 
existing chorale accompaignments.
> I thought Sciurius was Cammer-Musikus"?
Per Kjetil Farstad gives "Vocal-Musicus". As source he mentions 
"Bach-Jahrbuch, 1905, pp.3 and 34, as quoted in Schulze, "Wer 
intavolierte Johann Sebastan Bachs Lautenkompositionen?" - Die 
Musikforschung XIX (1966/I), pp. 37-38.
Unfortunately I cannot look it up.

Best regards

> Regards (I'll be off-line for a week), Arthur.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Markus Lutz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Arthur Ness" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 6:48 AM
> Subject: lutenists and Bach
>> Arthur Ness schrieb:
>>> muster, imo. Didn't lutenists come to Bach in pairs?
>>> Strecker & Sciurius?  Weiss & Kropfgans?
>> Hello Arthur,
>> I know of the source for  the visit of Weiss and
>> Kropfgans in 1739.
>> It is in a letter of a nephew of J.S.Bach.
>> Where can we read from the visit of Strecker &
>> Sciurius?
>> BTW - I know Sciurius from his  intabulations of
>> chorales, but never heard anything of a  lutenist
>> named Strecker.
>> Can you give us more details?
>> For Sciurius there are some details in Per Kjetil
>> Farstad´s diss, German galant lute music in the 18th
>> century:
>> Sciuro (Ciurus, Ciurius, Sciurus, Scyurus), Johann
>> Michael (ca. 1700 - after 1754) was apparently Bach´s
>> lutenist in Cöthen.
>> He was a singer and lutenist. In 1724, Sciuro was
>> employed in Cöthen as "Vocal-Musicus." He resigned
>> from this position in 1754.
>> Ernst Gottlieb Baron visited Cöthen on two occasions.
>> His second visit was in 1737 when he stayed for
>> severel months and probably met Sciuro.
>> His arrangements of chorales are to be found in two
>> Berlin manuscripts now in Krakau:
>> Ms 40150 (some of the chorales of 40151 and 2
>> Rust-Sonatas) and 40151 (more than 200 chorales).
>> Best
>> Markus
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