Dear Ones,
   I am asking if anyone on this list has this CD, and if so, if you would
   mind burning a copy of it.A  I purchased this CD in 1995, after it was
   released, and have had it for 20 years.A  I listened to it a half year
   ago, and would like to re-visit it, but alas, I cannot find it.A  I do
   have the jewel box and printed materials, but the CD itself is not in
   the case, and I cleaned my library, but cannot find it.
   I am asking if anyone is able and willing to make me a copy.A  I want
   to re-purchase it, but it is sadly out of print, and I cannot locate a
   copy anywhere in current venues, and I could also not find it used,
   such as e-Bay.A  If anyone knows of a source for this, please inform
   I know it is not legal to copy a copywritten CD, but I think it is
   moral to do so, as I already paid for it, and cannot locate a new or
   used copy.A
   For anyone willing to do this, please write me privately, and I will
   either pay you for your troubles, or perhaps send a copy of the new
   acclaimed CD "Courante", French Baroque Lute Duets, featuring me and
   Thomas Walker.


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