Hi folks,

This will be of interest to developers.  For users, even those tracking
CVS, nothing will change, and you can continue life as always.

I've been using git to manage Barry's source code for the last few weeks
now, and I'm very happy with it.  The observant of you may have noticed
a slight change in the formatting of the CVS log entries, and that's just
because I'm doing it the way git recommends now.

My current work flow is a matter of working in a local git tree, committing
changes and testing work, and once I'm happy with the results, I run a
script which pushes all these changes in patch form to various backup
repositories.  One of these repositories is the Sourceforge CVS tree.

Since it is so easy to push to other repositories in git, there's no reason
not to provide a git tree for developers as well.  This has been done,
and you can find the information here:


That is the web view of the git repository.  If you wish to use it
on your local machine, do something like this:

        git clone git://repo.or.cz/barry.git barry

Submitting changes can happen in one of three methods:

        1) Send a patch to the mailing list or directly to me.  This works
                whether you're using CVS or tarball or git or anything.

        2) Publish your own git repository (perhaps on repo.or.cz itself)
                and tell me to pull from one of your branches when
                you're ready.

        3) Use the "mob" branch.

That last option needs some explanation.

When registering the Barry project on repo.or.cz, there was an interesting
feature available there, which allows anyone to push to a "mob" branch of
a repository, if so configured.

It would go something like this:

        # clone with mob user
        git clone git+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/srv/git/barry.git barry

        cd barry
        git checkout -b mob origin/mob
        git diff origin/master..mob             # make sure master == mob
        <make changes>
        git add ... && git commit
        git push origin mob
        <send email to the list, include the SHA1 sum of the commit>

This is a novel idea, as well as a security risk for anyone who blindly
runs whatever is in the mob branch.  Hence the recommended diff check
above, to make sure you're running something from me.

The mob user can only push to the mob branch, so all other branches are mine,
and have gone through my own personal checks.  But it frees people up
to use git, who may not have their own hosting, or who may not want to
bother setting up their own git repo.  People can use it to collaborate
on a feature as well.  Let your imagination run wild.

You can read more about it here: http://repo.or.cz/mob.html

One final note: the CVS tree is not going away, and it will contain
the same code as git's master branch does.  If you're comfortable with your
current process, there's no need to change.

As usual, if you have any questions, please ask.

- Chris

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