On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 05:01:22PM -0400, Matthew McKimmy wrote:
> I went through the whole ./buildgen.sh, ./configure, and make process
> smoothly. However it seemed necessary for me to run make install using
> sudo privileges for it to install properly. 

That's correct.  Unless you install it somewhere that your user can
write to (such as your home directory) you'll need root privileges to

> When I run btool as my normal user I am given the following error:
> Usb::Error caught: (-1, error sending control message: Operation not
> permitted): Probe: GetConfiguration failed
> However, if I run btool using sudo it connects just fine. This makes
> syncing next to impossible, because opensync can't connect unless I also
> run them with sudo privileges, which then messes up the privileges for
> the programs I'm trying to sync to. My experiences were the same using
> barrybackup (same error unless using sudo.) 
> Any suggestions for how I might be able to run these tools without
> needing to use sudo privileges? Thanks so much!

Install one of the available udev scripts found in the udev/ directory
of the source.  For Ubuntu, you'll probably want to copy the
10-blackberry.rules.Debian file to /etc/udev/rules and remove the
Debian extension.  Also remember to edit it so that the path to bcharge
is correct for your installation.

Note that if you have the proper debian helper packages installed, you
can create your own .deb file from the CVS sources by running the following
command from inside the barry directory:

        fakeroot -- debian/rules binary

Then install as usual with dpkg, etc.

This might be a better option for you.

- Chris

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