Another bit of info.

If I interact with the server from within the container, e.g., connect to
the basex server using the basexclient, I can set and get options but they
are not reflected in the DBA app:

> open test-02
Database 'test-02' was not found.
[I then create test-02 using the DBA Web app to prove
I'm talking to the same server]
> open test-02
Database 'test-02' was opened in 0.68 ms.
> set chop false
CHOP: false
> get chop
CHOP: false

But if I refresh the page for test-02 in the DBA app, it still shows a
check for chop.

So something seems to be up with local options.

I verified that I can add data to the database itself.


Eliot Kimber, Owner
Contrext, LLC

On 1/28/16, 6:10 PM, "Eliot Kimber"
< on behalf of> wrote:

>I'm seeing a difference in how the .basex file is processed between
>running a server under OS X directly and running it in a Docker container.
>In particular, my local settings are being rejected as unrecognized.
>Here's the startup messages from within the basex container:
>basex@611404b26b04:~$ basexhttp
>/home/basex/.basex: Unknown option 'CATFILE'.
>/home/basex/.basex: Unknown option 'DTD'.
>/home/basex/.basex: Unknown option 'SKIPCORRUPT'.
>/home/basex/.basex: Unknown option 'CHOP'.
>/home/basex/.basex: writing new configuration file.
>[main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - jetty-8.1.17.v20150415
>[main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.StandardDescriptorProcessor - NO JSP
>Support for /, did not find org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet
>BaseX 8.3 [Server]
>Server was started (port: 1984).
>[main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Started
>HTTP Server was started (port: 8984).
>I verified that with the same .basex file running 8.3 under OS X the
>options are recognized and set as expected.
>What would cause this difference in behavior?
>Here is the .basex file in the /home/basex directory when the server
>USER = admin
>PASSWORD = admin
>DEBUG = false
>DBPATH = /home/basex/basex/data
>REPOPATH = /home/basex/basex/repo
>LANG = English
>LANGKEYS = false
># Client/Server Architecture
>HOST = localhost
>PORT = 1984
>LOG = true
># HTTP Services
>WEBPATH = /home/basex/basex/webapp
>HTTPLOCAL = false
>STOPPORT = 8985
># Local options
>CATFILE = /opt/dita-ot/DITA-OT/catalog-dita.xml
>DTD = true
>CHOP = false
>-- (this is the end of the file) --
>After the server starts the offending options are omitted from the
>rewritten .basex file.
>The only difference I can think of is the Java version. The container uses
>the OpenJDK while I have Oracle Java running in OS X:
>basex@611404b26b04:~$ java -version
>openjdk version "1.8.0_66-internal"
>OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_66-internal-b17)
>OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.66-b17, mixed mode)
>But otherwise it's exactly the same code running in both environments and
>the same config file.
>Eliot Kimber, Owner
>Contrext, LLC

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