I was just trying that now (the trailing quote was my typo but was also a
red herring).

Yes, the value must be a URL and I've verified that using file:/c:/...

I'm trying to put together a code patch that does this automatically when
a normal filename is specified because this is pretty bad Simon Says
behavior. It doesn't help that the Javadoc for the Apache CatalogManager
isn't itself explicit that the catalog files property is in fact URLs, not
OS-specific file paths.



Eliot Kimber, Owner
Contrext, LLC

On 3/13/16, 5:19 PM, "Imsieke, Gerrit, le-tex"
<basex-talk-boun...@mailman.uni-konstanz.de on behalf of
gerrit.imsi...@le-tex.de> wrote:

>Hi Eliot,
>I didn¹t recently try it on Windows myself, but just two observations.
>On 13.03.2016 01:13, Eliot Kimber wrote:
>> CATFILE = C:/workspace/DITA-OT2.x/catalog-dita.xml"
>There is a trailing quote sign here, is this intentional? Don¹t know the
>effects of unbalanced quotes here.
>In any case, it might be necessary to give the location as a file: URI,
>as in file:///C:/workspace/DITA-OT2.x/catalog-dita.xml
>Did you already try that?

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