I'm trying to make BaseX work under Windows 7 and I don't seem to be able
to get catalog resolution to work. (I'm doing a workshop in Japan and the
classroom only has 32-bit Windows machines available--since Docker
requires 64-bit Windows I'm having to scramble to make the same code work
directly under Windows 7 32-bit--ugh.)

I'm using BaseX 8.4.1 with Java 8 (the Java supplied with the 32-bit
version of oXygenXML).

In my .basex file I have these entries:

CATFILE = C:/workspace/DITA-OT2.x/catalog-dita.xml"
DTD = true
CHOP = false

Using the DBA Web app I can see that the CATFILE property is set to that
value, DTD is checked, CHOP is unchecked, and SKIPCORRUPT is checked, so
my settings are clearly being used.

However, if I create a database and use the DBA app to load a document
that uses a DTD mapped by the catalog (e.g., a DITA document), load fails
with a "Can't resolve DTD" message.

The document is valid according to oXygen (and it's the same catalog--this
is the OT oXygen is using) and of course my OS X and Docker-based versions
of the same setup work fine, so it looks like a Windows-specific issue.

Is there any known issue with catalog resolution under Windows? Is there
anything I can do to try to debug the problem?



Eliot Kimber, Owner
Contrext, LLC

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