>>>>> "KL" == Keiron Liddle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

KL> On Mon, 24 Sep 2001 13:20:42 Thomas E Deweese wrote:
>> >>>>> "KL" == Keiron Liddle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
KL> Using the current cvs I get this class cast exception. This
KL> happens if an image cannot be found.

>> This seems like a bigger issue than just the class cast problem.
>> Can you provide more information on the image returned from
>> reg.readURL(..) in createRasterImageNode? It's type for example,
>> also printing the object that is returned from the
>> img.getProperty(...)  call might be useful...

KL> The object that is return from the getProperty is just and
KL> "Object" it doesn't have any more info than that.

    What about printing the 'img'?  Is it a GraphicsNodeRable8Bit?

    Since I still can't reproduce the problem (is it possible there is
some sort of build issue?).  Can you try adding the following method
into SVGImageElementBridge, and calling it from createRasterImageNode
immediately after the call to readURL: Filter img = reg.readURL(purl,
extractColorSpace(e, ctx)); printFilterTree(img, "");


    protected static void printFilterTree(Filter filt, String pref) {
        System.out.println(pref + filt);
        java.util.Vector   v = filt.getSources();
        java.util.Iterator i = v.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) 
            printFilterTree((Filter)i.next(), pref+"   ");

KL> After a quick look it seems there is a difference between the
KL> SVGBrokenLinkProvider and the DefaultBrokenLinkProvider.  


KL> The Default one sets the BROKEN_LINK_PROPERTY with a message and
KL> the SVG one sets the BROKEN_LINK_PROPERTY and the


KL> So presumably the BROKEN_LINK_PROPERTY is the one used to indicate
KL> a broken link. 

    Yup, more specifically if the Filter (or chain of Filters) has
this property set then the source image is a stand-in for an
unavailable image.

KL> The SVGImageElementBridge then gets the 
KL> SVG_BROKEN_LINK_DOCUMENT_PROPERTY which is not set by the Default
KL> one (I can't see where the value is coming from, maybe it is a
KL> default).

    what do you mean by 'a default'?  The only place this is set in my
code base is in SVGBrokenLinkProvider and it is always given a value
of the SVGDocument to use.

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