(I removed the original poster from the CC because this mail is code

Ronan Waide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> As best I can tell, your .bbdb file has a notes field called "name" in
> at least one of the records. This is colliding with BBDB's "real" name
> field, causing the stacktrace above.

Hehe, hadn't thought of the possibility.  Looking at the code, though,
I'm confused:

      (let ((fields all-fields) done tmp)
        (if (bbdb-record-raw-notes record)
            (while (and (not done) fields)
              (setq tmp (bbdb-record-getprop
                         record (car fields))

I then started to grep for all-fields -- but found practically

cd /home/alex/elisp/bbdb/lisp/
grep -n -e all-fields *.el /dev/null
bbdb-com.el:80:                          (let ((fields all-fields) done tmp)
bbdb-com.el:131:                     '((all-fields (cons 'notes

grep finished (matches found) at Sun Jan 28 20:15:16

Anybody know how this variable is set?  Maybe it's a bug: instead of
using all-fields, this code should use bbdb-propnames, IMHO.

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