Galen Boyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is there anyway to turn on the following functionality?  When I
> enter something in some notes type field, the fact that I typed a
> url could be parsed and then BBDB could ask me if I would like to
> name that URL.  Then, it could display that clickable name to me
> while storing the underlying url?

Hm, a long time ago I used this.  A short test shows that this still
works.  Perhaps that is enough?  Note that in older XEmacs don't have
goto-address.  I think I submitted it for XEmacs, so maybe it is in the
fsf-compat package or something like that.

(defadvice bbdb-display-records-1 (after bbdb-goto-address)
  "Enable goto-advice for displayed records."
  (set-buffer bbdb-buffer-name)
(ad-activate 'bbdb-display-records-1)


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