Galen Boyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This makes urls clickable which is something I was looking for.
> Thanks alot for that.  Unless I'm missing something, I still
> would like to be able to give a long url a short name and have
> that show up as clickable.  Instead of seeing a clickable
> http://www..., I would instead like to see "Cool Site" and have
> those words clickable but referencing, http://www...

No, that's broken by design.  :)

Hm.  You could of course write this all up yourself, using
goto-address as a model.  When a BBDB buffer is done, add an overlay
with appropriate look and keymap to the name, makes the real url
invisible, and when clicked it calls a function which retrieves the
real url and calls browse-url on that.


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