Hello all,

A couple of days ago, my BBDB stopped working.  Instead, it now says:

Parsing BBDB... (reading...)
parse-bbdb-read: End of file during parsing

If I look at ~/.bbdb, I see that it has inserted an open parentheses
at the top of the file, just below the ;;;file-version: 6, and added a
close-paren at the end.

I have to assume that some spammer forged a name or address which
managed to slip into the bbdb which is confusing the parser, however,
I'm loathe to go through every one of the 6000+ entries which BBDB has
picked up over the last 3+ years of use.

Does anyone on this list have a relatively quick and painless hack or
idea for dealing with this problem?  I've tried setting
debug-on-error, but of course the error is caught before it gets to
the debugger, so that's not going to work.  I've also written a few
simple Perl scripts, which do things like count the number of open and
close parens in a line, to be sure that they match, and that sort of
thing, but I've turned up nothing so far.  

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


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BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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