Jochen KÃpper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Alex Schroeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> When you use C-u M-x bbdb RET dan RET you will get the matching
>> entries in "elided" form -- one line per entry. It works by
>> temporarily switching bbdb-display-layout, but I must confess I
>> didn't quite understand how it picked the layout to use instead.
> AFAICT it simply uses the "one-line" format.

Ok, I looked at it again.

Bbdb sets bbdb-display-layout to (bbdb-grovel-elide-arg elidep).  When
using C-u, elidep is set to (4).  In bbdb-grovel-elide-arg I see:

  (list 'if arg
        (list 'not (list 'eq arg 0))

So this returns (not (eq '(4) 0)) which is t.  Bbdb then calls
bbdb-display-records with bbdb-display-layout bound to t.  Eventually
this calls bbdb-format-record with the record and t as arguments.

And the docstring of bbdb-format-record says:

    layout can be a symbol describing a layout in
    `bbdb-display-layout-alist'.  For compatibility reasons, layout
    can also be nil or t, where t stands for the one-line, and nil for
    the multi-line layout.

Ah!  That is what I was missing.

..O  Schroeder's fifth law:
OOO  Never accept more work than you can handle in one night of hacking.

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