On Mon, 04 Apr 2011 08:52:27 -0400 Matt Lundin <m...@imapmail.org> wrote: 

ML> I do think it can be productive right now, while development is moving
ML> quickly, to ask whether some of the changes, such as reversing the
ML> parameters of bbdb-split, are necessary, since they are easier to fix
ML> now than they will be later. I imagine "later on" is relative to when
ML> the bbdb 3.x series will be officially released. I just joined this
ML> list, so I am not yet aware of a development roadmap.

ML> In the meantime, if anyone is interested, I found that the following
ML> hacks help to make org-bbdb.el work with the new bbdb:

I think the function name changes are fine and easy to adjust in Org.
Roland is trying to establish a logical naming scheme inside BBDB so
I'd rather see the backwards compatibility in Org:

(unless (featurep 'bbdb3) ; or whatever
  (defalias 'bbdb-search-organization 'bbdb-company)
  (defalias 'bbdb-search-name 'bbdb-name))

ML> (defun bbdb-record-getprop (record label)
ML>   (and (eq label 'company)
ML>        (setq label 'organization))
ML>   (if (memq label '(name degree organization address phone mail aka))
ML>     (funcall
ML>      (intern 
ML>       (concat "bbdb-record-" (symbol-name label))) 
ML>      record)
ML>     (bbdb-record-note record label)))

Maybe this would be better as a compatibility macro, again, working by
default in BBDB3 but falling back to the older methods in BBDB2.

ML> (defadvice bbdb-split (around my-bbdb-split activate)
ML>   (when (or (string= string "\n") (string= string "-"))
ML>     (let ((sep string))
ML>       (setq string separator
ML>         separator sep)))
ML>   ad-do-it)

I agree with you that swapping the arguments here is not necessary.


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