On Wed Jun 8 2016 Vincent Belaïche wrote:
> My contribution does not change this approach. Just it splits the existing
> styles files in a way that allows more easilly to select what language you 
> want
> to format the address book.
> In other words all the macros that are language specific (e.g.\today) are
> placed in a separate .tex file.
> I had also to modify bbdb-print.tex in order to remove these
> macros from there, and bbdb-print.el so that the new language
> specific .tex file is in the include-file alist cell.

I think that using TeX (instead of LaTeX) is really an outdated
approach for printing bbdb records.  Modern LaTeX has lots of fancy
packages to support, for example, language-specific stuff.
Therefore, a re-write of bbdb-print should provide a way to exploit
these LaTeX features effectively (instead of reinventing the wheel
by defining \today for different languages / different tastes).

Also, it should be possible to include bbdb records in LaTeX
documents using something like


with a (customizable) LaTeX environment bbdbrecord that knows how to print
a bbdb record.


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