This essay was written as though the polls themselves were not already contaminated. As though intelligent and charismatic liberal politicians in this country have not been culled through assasination or media-fueled scandals in this country since the Kennedy assasination. (I mean, folks, do we really think that Kennedy's death served no purpose?)

The controlling technique of the New World Order IS democracy, or the illusion of the same. Generally, it's enough to just have the larger funds for media control. We've seen in this country that it can go further, even when the left offers mediocre candidates. Benign dictators normally meet death through junta, eh?

I agree. For the most part the tools for true populist control of this country are still, for the most part, in place. If you chose to run, don't fly a plane, of course, or call yourself the leader of the World Peace Movement. Now IS the time to start working on real democracy as though there will be no tomorrow otherwise.

In the current form of democracy, they take the power and we, the people, take the blame for everything. Votes never count for much as long as the ruling powers pick your choices.


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