Turtle Bend wrote:

with Huge respect for your education, dedication and clarity of writing. i think your codification is illusionary.

There is ever widening evidence it is a user friendly universe and reality is what choices you make.
The structure and usage is yours for the deciding. Every nuance of culture (whether BD, catholicism, eastern etc.) selects the syntax that creates this reality. All we have to do is select and get to work with a passion. The rest is chopping wood and caring water.

In love & Light


Dear Markess

For a small number of highly privileged, among the elite of a small number of countries, that may be so.

I regard myself to be among that number and am eternally grateful, as I have freedom of movement, freedom of association, freedom of expression, adequate food and shelter and the right to live my life as I may.

But within my own Country, which is the most privileged in many ways, we have many who do not have those privileges, choices and protections. Our current State Government, in cost cutting move took away the Aboriginal Advocate person from our regional Prison System. These people are intended to work with Aboriginal inmates, who may not have functional English and to see that the prison authorities are properly informed of any special needs and also to see that the person is not left alone until they have settled down. A few weeks ago, the son of an Aboriginal friend was found on a property where he had no good reason to be and was charged with trespass and while waiting to appear in Court, was put in the regional prison farm. Because of the lack of support, he was left alone and hung himself. This is about seventieth since the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Deaths in Custody handed down some two hundred recommendations of which some seven have been enacted. I saw this person about ten days earlier, when he asked me to act as his advocate in dealing with a Government Department. At that time he was clearly not able to deal with White people and state his case. He also clearly showed signs of mental illness that dated from an event during a previous stay in prison. In the intervening period he had attended a family funeral which included about fourteen hundred miles of driving. In other prisons we have nationals from other countries who would like to come here as refugees. To comply with the Bush plan for world domination, we lock them up in purpose built buildings in remote areas. In return Bush has two of our Nationals in Cuba because they are said to have trained with some one the US had funded until recently and who they have since decided is the enemy, having served his usefulness. In the US some ten thousand of the service personnel of Desert Storm are either dead or invalided because of the US's use of "depleted uranium". Friendly fire?

Yes for that privileged few, it is user friendly.

But that does not mean that one can use one's mind to do everything and anything we choose. The cosmos still has some degree of order that the mere mind of (wo)man will alter. Day will follow night despite anything you like to do.

The differences between Reiki and Radionics stand, in the face of any amount of self delusion offered.

Your use of syntax is of particular interest, as this is where most would be dowsers fall apart. Syntax is not an choice of (wo)man, it is a universal truth. It is not made on earth or by those of us down here. It is disregard of syntax that leads to DSDS, (Dowser Self Delusion Syndrome), this is where we get the answers that serve our ego and not the real answer. Neither a earthbound culture or a mere mortal can change syntax, but they can have an imperfect understanding of it.

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