Hi Everyone,

Thankfully some slightly better results today as a result of Bo's biopsy on
the lymph nodes on Monday.

Forwarded from Kelvin:

"Hi everybody & thanks for the messages of
support for Bolan. Results of the biopsy have just come through. The
good news is that lymphoma was not detected. The diagnosis is a
Pylogranulomosis (Whatever that is - anyone with similar experience
please do tell). Apparently it's a reaction to a severe bacterial
infection so may be more treatable than cancer. Also the report
states that it may be a precursor to lymphoma so he's still a very
sick lad.
The course of action now is to fight the bacteria more vigorously.
Steroids are keeping Bo feeling happy even though his lymph glands
are all enlarged and his feet, chin, face and privates are a mess of
sores, these are caused by the immune system's inability to fight off
the mites and bacteria which the body normally keeps in check. He's
going in to the vet's on Monday for a drench to attack the bugs. He's
also going onto some stronger medication so please cross everything
for him"

Biggest Berner Hugs from us all here at Longlease!

All love,

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

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