We have one and use it only when teaching a young dog to walk at our side.
We never have to do any correction with it, just the fact that it is there
on the dog tells them we must walk by our master.
With a regular collar, leather or choke chain our 10 month old male wants to
meet and love each person he meets and does not care who is on the end of
the leash.
He goes with me often to town and loves the bank as he will set by the
tellers counter and when they bring a bone for him he will put his front
feet on the counter and take the bone ever so easy.. In fact if I go to town
withour him everone wants to know where Shadow is.

Ray Burgett

Eaglecap Bernese
Talee, Lexi, Bell, Shadow & Max
Honest Kitchen Dog Food
Dehydrated Raw Dog Food

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