I am in a state of shock right now. After Bacchus [7 1/2]was diagnosed with
osteosarcoma on Saturday, tonight Ari [6 1/2] bloated. It was about 1 1/2
hours after dinner. I noticed she seemed restless and was panting. I want to
thank all who have posted to the list about their experiences with bloat.
Thanks to those stories I knew exactly what to look for. At first I thought
it was the rain that was making her upset, but it was apparent after
watching her lay down, get up, lay down, look repeatedly at her stomach,
etc. That something was seriously wrong. I saw her gums were white, called
the emergency vet and Ken, and we were there within 40 minutes.

Unfortunately, Ari's stomach had already twisted. They got her stabilized
and then told us it would be around $2,000 all told for the surgery and
aftercare. This on top of Bacchus' diagnosis on Saturday was just horrible.
Ken and I are divorcing, I'm not working [have applied for Social Security
Disability] and it was not a pleasant scene. Ken wanted to put Ari down, in
fact. I just couldn't loose both Bacchus and Ari. So the decision was made
to give Ari a chance. I'm afraid this will severely limit my options with

Ari is out of surgery and doing well. They had to remove her spleen, but all
other organs looked good. They provide 24 hour care, and suggested she stay
for 2 or 3 days. They stated there is still a chance that her heart might

I can't even think straight. I ask everyone to keep both Bacchus and Ari in
your prayers.

I don't like playing God.

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari

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