Hi List,

You most know me by my blind dog (the original PRA puppy) and just for
being here silently for years.  I have a problem, and need some help.

My (non blind) old guy is 11.9 years old.  He has been huffing and
puffing on his daily walks for about 2 months.  He also has been
drinking water in volumes which I thought was one of two things. 
Diabetes or Congestive Heart Failure. Not a usual case of having the two
symptoms, so I was stumped.

My trusted vet says it's neither of these so we did an exam on him which
I was reluctant at his age. She put him down lightly and felt his lower
palate.  It's very hard so seems he's not getting enough air to cool
himself upon exertion.  He does exhibit the symptoms of heat exhaustion
during these episodes, and alcohol baths or cold water brings him back
to normal. Blood Glucose is normal.

1) Anyone had this syndrome? (my vet ways it's common, but unknown )

2) Should I shave him?  I live in the Redwoods, and protect all my dogs
from the sun. (we have little sun here in the forest)  Shaving would
give me some extra space to saturate him with water or alcohol in a
crisis.  We alcoholed him down at the vets last week as it was hot being
out of the woods. (abnormal hot day)

3) Back to shaving, is that a good idea for cooling?  We never let our
dogs go for, nor are they use to, being in the sun.  Always sheade here
in the woods.

I know about the cooling pads, and have them.

Any info, ideas or advise is appreciated

Lary and
Whitney, Miss PRA Berner 1996
Baker, Thought I was blind, but fooled ya! 
Aspen, The old hot guy, locked in a garage for a year then moved to
California... Still kickin stong! <my parents both lived to be over 12!>

Pescadero, California

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