i'm greatly relived to know baka's diarrhea problem was unrelated to the hind end weakness and pain. baka's been blood tested (came back perfect except showing some dehydration), xrayed (intestine walls & stomach looks 100% normal now), examined by hand multiple times (nothing gets a negative reaction, she just grins & wags), and ultrasounded (nothing out of the ordinary).

last night baka ate several small bland meals (she was ravenous), peed fine, no vomiting, no nausea, no dry heaves nor grass eating. baka even pooped last night, the first half was a little soft & full of grass, but the second half looked perfectly normal & formed. the digestion problem should be cleared up completely by tomorrow night i think & the vet is very confident there is not a blockage.

unfortunately that leaves us without an explanation for baka's inability to stand up the other day. baka is standing up on her own as of yesterday and she'll walk from spot to spot when she's in the mood, but she's still arching her back & walking strangely with her hind legs. baka's also still slow to rise and slow to lay down, as if she were stiff or sore (like she used to before her hip surgery a couple years ago). our vet didn't feel or see anything obviously wrong, so we're a little confused. and we don't want to put any pain killer in her system until we're certain the diarrhea is completely resolved (she lost 6 lbs! in just those 4-5 days).

i'm thinking of taking baka to see the chiropractor vet who is 30 minutes away. my thinking is that maybe her hands are more sensitive & could feel something being off that our regular vet might miss? either way, my vet is expecting my call monday to see how baka did over the weekend & decide what to do next. i'm trying not to worry, but this is certainly confusing. i don't like seeing my baby hurt & not know ho to fix it (and baka *so* unhappy now that the weather's cooled off & i won't let her go to the dog park, every time we walk past the car she whines at it).

thank you to everyone who's emailed their support & advice.

laura & baka
chapel hill

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